14 papers:
DATE-2015-KaneYHSS #architecture #interface #realtime- A neural machine interface architecture for real-time artificial lower limb control (JK, QY, RH, WS, MS), pp. 633–636.
CASE-2014-HsiehL #lightweight- A lightweight gravity-balanced exoskeleton for home rehabilitation of upper limbs (HCH, CCL), pp. 972–977.
CASE-2014-JacksonELMPCC #development- Development of an active powered biped lower limb exoskeleton (SJ, LE, CL, PM, KP, MC, XC), pp. 990–995.
DHM-2014-FuCLCZ #framework #modelling- Evaluating Work Disability of Lower Limb Handicapped within a Human Modeling Framework (YF, XC, SL, JGC, BZ), pp. 516–526.
CASE-2013-ChenZL #approach #design #novel- A novel design approach for lower limb rehabilitation training robot (JC, XZ, RL), pp. 554–557.
DHM-HB-2013-ColomboFRVZ #3d #automation #image #re-engineering- Automatic 3D Reconstruction of Transfemoral Residual Limb from MRI Images (GC, GF, CR, AV, AZ), pp. 324–332.
ICPR-2010-FahnC #algorithm #realtime #recognition- Real-Time Upper-Limbs Posture Recognition Based on Particle Filters and AdaBoost Algorithms (CSF, SLC), pp. 3854–3857.
CASE-2009-ParasuramanOG #development- Development of robot assisted stroke rehabilitation system of human upper limb (SP, AWO, VG), pp. 256–261.
DHM-2009-FuLYB #predict- Simulation-Based Discomfort Prediction of the Lower Limb Handicapped with Prosthesis in the Climbing Tasks (YF, SL, MY, YB), pp. 512–520.
DHM-2009-Wang #problem #re-engineering- Problems Encountered in Seated Arm Reach Posture Reconstruction: Need for a More Realistic Spine and Upper Limb Kinematic Model (XW), pp. 160–169.
DHM-2007-YangWZJW #analysis- Redundant Muscular Force Analysis of Human Lower Limbs During Rising from a Squat (YY, RW, MZ, DJ, FW), pp. 259–267.
DHM-2007-YangWZJW07a #analysis- Optimal Control and Synergic Pattern Analysis of Upper Limb Reaching-Grasping Movements (YY, RW, MZ, DJ, FW), pp. 268–275.
ICPR-v4-2006-SiddiquiM #adaptation #realtime- Real Time Limb Tracking with Adaptive Model Selection (MS, GGM), pp. 770–773.
ICPR-v4-2002-DuricLSW #detection #image #using- Using Normal Flow for Detection and Tracking of Limbs in Color Images (ZD, FL, YS, HW), p. 268–?.