8 papers:
VLDB-2000-MohanBWSZ #database #evolution- Evolution of Groupware for Business Applications: A Database Perspective on Lotus Domino/Notes (CM, RB, SW, AS, MZ), pp. 684–687.
ICEIS-2000-AldenbergHP #higher-order- High-Order Effects of Groupware: A Case of Censequences of Lotus Notes (BA, MSHH, SCAP), pp. 377–384.
SIGMOD-1999-Mohan #database- A Database Perspective on Lotus Domino/Notes (CM), p. 507.
ITiCSE-1999-Clear #collaboration #concept #education #interactive #learning- A collaborative learning trial between New Zealand and Sweden-using Lotus Notes Domino in teaching the concepts of Human Computer Interaction (TC), pp. 111–114.
HCI-CCAD-1999-NealI #case study #distance #education #experience #learning- Asynchronous distance learning for corporate education: experiences with Lotus LearningSpace (LN, DI), pp. 750–754.
ITiCSE-1998-BouletJB #education #modelling #process #student #using- Teaching process modelling to undergraduate computer students: effects of using Lotus Notes and television programmes (MMB, FBJ, SB), pp. 32–36.
CHI-1996-AshlundH #usability- Usability Improvements in Lotus cc: Mail for Windows (SLA, KJH), pp. 481–488.
SIGMOD-1995-Moore- The Lotus Notes Storage System (KM), pp. 427–428.