27 papers:
MSR-2015-JinYKCII #case study #stack overflow- Quick Trigger on Stack Overflow: A Study of Gamification-Influenced Member Tendencies (YJ, XY, RGK, EC, KI, HI), pp. 434–437.
CSCW-2015-MatthewsMCMHB #community #what- They Said What?: Exploring the Relationship Between Language Use and Member Satisfaction in Communities (TM, JUM, JC, MM, EMH, HB), pp. 819–825.
KDD-2015-ShaabaniASB #identification- Early Identification of Violent Criminal Gang Members (ES, AA, PS, JB), pp. 2079–2088.
SPLC-2015-HeinemanHDR #framework #migration #object-oriented #product line #synthesis #towards- Towards migrating object-oriented frameworks to enable synthesis of product line members (GTH, AH, BD, JR), pp. 56–60.
CHI-2014-MatthewsCWPZBS #community #enterprise #online #question #what- Goals and perceived success of online enterprise communities: what is important to leaders & members? (TM, JC, SW, AP, HZ, HB, BAS), pp. 291–300.
HIMI-AS-2014-HamaguchiAWA #communication #effectiveness #product line- Investigating the Effective Factors of Communication for Family Members Living Apart (NH, DA, MW, YA), pp. 373–382.
CHI-2013-YamashitaKHK #comprehension #product line- Understanding the conflicting demands of family caregivers caring for depressed family members (NY, HK, KH, TK), pp. 2637–2646.
CSCW-2013-InkpenTJTV #case study #experience #named #process #product line- Experiences2Go: sharing kids’ activities outside the home with remote family members (KI, BT, SJ, JCT, GV), pp. 1329–1340.
HIMI-HSM-2013-KinoeOS #communication #design #product line- Qualitative Study for Designing Peripheral Communication between Hospitalized Children and Their Family Members (YK, CO, YS), pp. 275–284.
CSCW-2012-KoehneSO- Remote and alone: coping with being the remote member on the team (BK, PCS, JSO), pp. 1257–1266.
CSCW-2012-OrenG #distributed #named- ConvoCons: a tool for building affinity among distributed team members (MAO, SBG), pp. 1213–1222.
CIKM-2012-CamposBDC #feature model #identification- Time feature selection for identifying active household members (PGC, AB, FD, IC), pp. 2311–2314.
ICEIS-v2-2011-Feng #case study #contract #research- The Study on Member Incentive of Scientific Research Group in University based on Psychological Contracts (HF), pp. 423–431.
RecSys-2011-SekoYMM #behaviour #recommendation #representation #using- Group recommendation using feature space representing behavioral tendency and power balance among members (SS, TY, MM, SyM), pp. 101–108.
CHI-2010-ChenRR #online #volunteer- The effects of diversity on group productivity and member withdrawal in online volunteer groups (JC, YR, JR), pp. 821–830.
CSEET-2009-TaranRMB #collaboration #design #feedback #implementation #process #source code- A Training Process for Faculty Members in Collaborative Degree Programs: Design, Implementation and Feedback (GT, MZR, PM, PB), pp. 122–129.
HIMI-DIE-2009-IchinoTI- Improvement of Member’s Concentration during Discussion (JI, KT, HI), pp. 59–68.
CIKM-2009-LuHM #algorithm #approximate #performance #using- Efficient algorithms for approximate member extraction using signature-based inverted lists (JL, JH, XM), pp. 315–324.
CIKM-2008-ZhaoBZY #community #network #predict- Characterizing and predicting community members from evolutionary and heterogeneous networks (QZ, SSB, XZ, KY), pp. 309–318.
CHI-2005-CosleyFKTR #community #how- How oversight improves member-maintained communities (DC, DF, SBK, LGT, JR), pp. 11–20.
SAC-2005-Heinlein #c++- Virtual namespace functions: an alternative to virtual member functions in C++ and advice in AspectC++ (CH), pp. 1274–1281.
ITiCSE-WGR-2004-Bruce #education #how- Controversy on how to teach CS 1: a discussion on the SIGCSE-members mailing list (KBB), pp. 29–34.
CHI-2001-MynattRCJ #product line- Digital family portraits: supporting peace of mind for extended family members (EDM, JR, SC, AJ), pp. 333–340.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-CookKWMRW #product line #uml #using- Defining UML Family Members Using Prefaces (SC, AK, JW, RM, BR, ACW), pp. 102–114.
PLDI-1998-SweeneyT #c++ #case study- A Study of Dead Data Members in C++ Applications (PFS, FT), pp. 324–332.
PLDI-1997-RamalingamS #algorithm #c++- A Member Lookup Algorithm for C++ (GR, HS), pp. 18–30.
HPDC-1996-AlmerothA #behaviour #modelling #multi- Collecting and Modeling the Join/Leave Behavior of Multicast Group Members in the MBone (KCA, MHA), pp. 209–216.