5 papers:
MoDELS-2015-ValentimROCM #case study #empirical #specification #usability- A controlled experiment with Usability Inspection Techniques applied to Use Case Specifications: comparing the MIT 1 and the UCE techniques (NMCV, JR, ACO, TC, SM), pp. 206–215.
CSEET-2011-EngM #assessment #communication #experience #learning #student- Continued assessment of students’ learning experience in an oral communication course at MIT for EECS majors (TLE, RM), pp. 439–443.
IDGD-2009-Wong #image #legacy- Looking for the Image of Modernization: The Story of Made in Taiwan (MIT) (JJW), pp. 419–428.
CSCW-1996-Bharwani #bibliography #design #video- The MIT Design Studio of the Future: Virtual Design Review (Video Program) (SB), p. 10.
CHI-1989-Malone #coordination- Center for coordination science, MIT (TWM), pp. 145–146.