18 papers:
STOC-2014-SharmaV #multi- Multiway cut, pairwise realizable distributions, and descending thresholds (AS, JV), pp. 724–733.
ICML-c2-2014-RaiWGCDC #composition #multi #rank #scalability- Scalable Bayesian Low-Rank Decomposition of Incomplete Multiway Tensors (PR, YW, SG, GC, DBD, LC), pp. 1800–1808.
STOC-2013-BuchbinderNS #clustering #exponential #multi #problem- Simplex partitioning via exponential clocks and the multiway cut problem (NB, JN, RS), pp. 535–544.
ICALP-v1-2012-LokshtanovR #constraints #multi- Parameterized Tractability of Multiway Cut with Parity Constraints (DL, MSR), pp. 750–761.
ICALP-v1-2012-Marx #bound #multi- A Tight Lower Bound for Planar Multiway Cut with Fixed Number of Terminals (DM), pp. 677–688.
ICML-2012-XuYQ #composition #data analysis #infinity #modelling #multi #parametricity- Infinite Tucker Decomposition: Nonparametric Bayesian Models for Multiway Data Analysis (ZX, FY, AQ), p. 218.
ICALP-v1-2009-ChakaravarthyPRS #approximate #branch #multi- Approximating Decision Trees with Multiway Branches (VTC, VP, SR, YS), pp. 210–221.
STOC-2008-ManokaranNRS #metric #multi- Sdp gaps and ugc hardness for multiway cut, 0-extension, and metric labeling (RM, JN, PR, RS), pp. 11–20.
SAC-2008-AbedMS #analysis #graph #multi #proving #reachability #theorem proving #using- Reachability analysis using multiway decision graphs in the HOL theorem prover (SA, OAM, GAS), pp. 333–338.
DAC-2000-CongLW #clustering #multi #performance- Performance driven multi-level and multiway partitioning with retiming (JC, SKL, CW), pp. 274–279.
PODS-1999-PapadiasMT #multi #optimisation #using- Processing and Optimization of Multiway Spatial Joins Using R-Trees (DP, NM, YT), pp. 44–55.
STOC-1999-KargerKSTY #algorithm #geometry #multi- Rounding Algorithms for a Geometric Embedding of Minimum Multiway Cut (DRK, PNK, CS, MT, NEY), pp. 668–678.
STOC-1998-CalinescuKR #algorithm #approximate #multi- An Improved Approximation Algorithm for Multiway Cut (GC, HJK, YR), pp. 48–52.
CAV-1998-XuCSCM #first-order #graph #logic #model checking #multi #using- Model Checking for a First-Order Temporal Logic Using Multiway Decision Graphs (YX, EC, XS, FC, OAM), pp. 219–231.
ICALP-1994-GargVY #graph #multi- Multiway Cuts in Directed and Node Weighted Graphs (NG, VVV, MY), pp. 487–498.
STOC-1992-DahlhausJPSY #complexity #multi- The Complexity of Multiway Cuts (Extended Abstract) (ED, DSJ, CHP, PDS, MY), pp. 241–251.
SIGIR-1985-ArnowTW #multi #named #performance- P-Trees: Storage Efficient Multiway Trees (DMA, AMT, CW), pp. 111–121.
SIGMOD-1984-ArnowT #comparison #empirical #multi- An Empirical Comparison of B-Trees, Compact B-Trees and Multiway Trees (DMA, AMT), pp. 33–46.