13 papers:
CHI-2013-TamMMK #design- The design and field observation of a haptic notification system for timing awareness during oral presentations (DT, KEM, JM, KJK), pp. 1689–1698.
CSEET-2011-EngM #assessment #communication #experience #learning #student- Continued assessment of students’ learning experience in an oral communication course at MIT for EECS majors (TLE, RM), pp. 439–443.
CHI-2011-GormanRYBK #adaptation #testing #usability- Adapting usability testing for oral, rural users (TG, EJR, JY, AB, BEK), pp. 1437–1440.
CHI-2011-PatelF #named #visualisation- Read-N-Karaoke: visualizing prosody in children’s books for expressive oral reading (RP, WF), pp. 3203–3206.
HCD-2011-HoriKK #testing #usability- Investigation of Indirect Oral Operation Method for Think Aloud Usability Testing (MH, YK, TK), pp. 38–46.
ICPR-2008-SinghNGBSP #hybrid #random #using- Hybrid SVM — Random Forest classication system for oral cancer screening using LIF spectra (RKS, SKN, LG, SB, CS, KMP), pp. 1–4.
ITiCSE-2007-OwensAB- The computing educators oral history project: planning for the future (BBO, VLA, LJB), p. 328.
SIGIR-2007-OlssonO #classification- Improving text classification for oral history archives with temporal domain knowledge (JSO, DWO), pp. 623–630.
CSEET-2005-Sindre #case study #communication #education #experience #game studies #student- Teaching Oral Communication Techniques in RE by Student-Student Role Play: Initial Experiences (GS), pp. 85–92.
ITiCSE-2005-Gharibyan #student #testing- Assessing students’ knowledge: oral exams vs. written tests (HG), pp. 143–147.
CHI-2003-KlemmerGWL #interface #physics- Books with voices: paper transcripts as a physical interface to oral histories (SRK, JG, GJW, JAL), pp. 89–96.
CHI-2001-BorovoySGNKRK #community- Folk computing: revisiting oral tradition as a scaffold for co-present communities (RB, BS, TG, MN, BK, MR, JK), pp. 466–473.
CHI-2001-EllisB #community #design #online #social- Designing palaver tree online: supporting social roles in a community of oral history (JBE, AB), pp. 474–481.