32 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-DietrichG #database #debugging #sql- A SQL Debugger Built from Spare Parts: Turning a SQL: 1999 Database System into Its Own Debugger (BD, TG), pp. 865–870.
LCT-2015-FardounAC15a #self #student- Construction of Educative Micro-Worlds to Build Students’ Creativity in Terms of Their Own Self-Learning (HMF, AAMAG, APC), pp. 349–360.
OOPSLA-2015-MastrangeloPMLH #api #java- Use at your own risk: the Java unsafe API in the wild (LM, LP, AM, ML, MH, NN), pp. 695–710.
ICSE-v2-2015-FischerLLE #composition- The ECCO Tool: Extraction and Composition for Clone-and-Own (SF, LL, RELH, AE), pp. 665–668.
ICSME-2014-FischerLLE #reuse- Enhancing Clone-and-Own with Systematic Reuse for Developing Software Variants (SF, LL, RELH, AE), pp. 391–400.
HCI-TMT-2014-MattosPP #identification #interactive- Can Users Speak for Themselves? Investigating Users Ability to Identify Their Own Interactive Breakdowns (BAMM, RLSP, ROP), pp. 521–532.
HT-2013-DiazST #process #web- Activity fragmentation in the web: empowering users to support their own webflows (OD, JDS, ST), pp. 69–78.
SIGIR-2013-Soboroff #evaluation #interactive #student #tutorial- Building test collections: an interactive tutorial for students and others without their own evaluation conference series (IS), p. 1132.
SAC-2013-ArmandoCM- Bring your own device, securely (AA, GC, AM), pp. 1852–1858.
ICSE-2013-DongSL #model checking- Build your own model checker in one month (JSD, JS, YL), pp. 1481–1483.
CHI-2012-CoyleMKFB #exclamation #experience- I did that!: measuring users’ experience of agency in their own actions (DC, JWM, POK, PF, AB), pp. 2025–2034.
SIGIR-2012-AzzopardiDMG #interface #named- MaSe: create your own mash-up search interface (LA, DD, KAM, RG), p. 1008.
SIGIR-2012-MaoLCCS #named #recommendation- myDJ: recommending karaoke songs from one’s own voice (KM, XL, KC, GC, LS), p. 1009.
CHI-2011-LeshedS #case study #experience #quote #tool support- “I lie to myself that I have freedom in my own schedule”: productivity tools and experiences of busyness (GL, PS), pp. 905–914.
IDGD-2011-LeeY #education #web- Does Internationalization Have Its Own Face in Each Country? Measuring the Internationalization of Web Presence on Higher Education Admission Web Pages between USA and Taiwan (JL, MY), pp. 524–532.
RecSys-2011-KnijnenburgRW #how #interactive #recommendation- Each to his own: how different users call for different interaction methods in recommender systems (BPK, NJMR, MCW), pp. 141–148.
CSL-2011-Makowsky- Model Theory in Computer Science: My Own Recurrent Themes (JAM), pp. 553–567.
CIKM-2010-QiYXD #automation #generative #taxonomy- Choosing your own adventure: automatic taxonomy generation to permit many paths (XQ, DY, ZX, BDD), pp. 1853–1856.
RE-2010-SeyffGM #mobile #tool support #using- Using Mobile RE Tools to Give End-Users Their Own Voice (NS, FG, NAMM), pp. 37–46.
HIMI-DIE-2009-Eden #experience #user interface- Improving the User Experience of Our Own UX Ideas (JE), pp. 659–664.
GPCE-2009-Cordy #domain-specific language #generative- Eating our own dog food: DSLs for generative and transformational engineering (JRC), pp. 3–4.
SLE-2009-Cordy #domain-specific language #generative- Eating Our Own Dog Food: DSLs for Generative and Transformational Engineering (JRC), p. 1.
RE-2006-Rosson #requirements- End Users Who Meet Their Own Requirements (MBR), p. 2.
CAV-2005-DwyerHHR #framework #model checking #using- Building Your Own Software Model Checker Using the Bogor Extensible Model Checking Framework (MBD, JH, MH, R), pp. 148–152.
DAC-2003-DahlbergRBGKPRSV #named- COT — customer owned trouble (RD, SR, JB, GG, AK, KP, PR, NAS, RV), pp. 91–92.
UML-2003-Coad #agile #process- Agile Processes: Developing Your Own “Secret Recipes” (PC), p. 1.
DATE-2002-GerousisLPPRS #framework #question- Who Owns the Platform? (VG, OL, PGP, MP, CR, GS), p. 238.
CHI-1998-NassKL #comparison #interface- When My Face Is the Interface: An Experimental Comparison of Interacting With One’s Own Face or Someone Else’s Face (CN, EYK, EJL), pp. 148–154.
POPL-1997-ChenH #linear #monad- Rolling Your Own MADT — A Connection Between Linear Types and Monads (CPC, PH), pp. 54–66.
CHI-1994-AdlerH94a #case study #experience- A room of our own: experiences from a direct office share (AA, DAHJ), pp. 138–144.
ICALP-1986-DymondR #context-free grammar #memory management #parallel #recognition- Parallel RAMs with Owned Global Memory and Deterministic Context-Free Language Recognition (Extended Abstract) (PWD, WLR), pp. 95–104.
SIGFIDET-1972-Raichelson #concept #information management- A Concept Paper on “Host” vs. “Own” Data Manipulation Languages in Military Information Systems (ER), pp. 67–75.