4 papers:
ICSE-2007-GroceHJ #difference #random #testing #verification- Randomized Differential Testing as a Prelude to Formal Verification (AG, GJH, RJ), pp. 621–631.
DATE-2003-OhKWS #architecture #feedback #using- Test Pattern Compression Using Prelude Vectors in Fan-Out Scan Chain with Feedback Architecture (NO, RK, TWW, JS), pp. 10110–10115.
ITiCSE-2001-Sooriamurthi01a #java- Prelude to the Java event model (RS), p. 193.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Weihl92 #named #parallel #source code #tool support- Prelude: Tools for Building Portable Parallel Programs (Abstract) (WEW), p. 24.