24 papers:
ICML-2015-SzorenyiBWH #approach #multi- Qualitative Multi-Armed Bandits: A Quantile-Based Approach (BS, RBF, PW, EH), pp. 1660–1668.
SIGMOD-2013-WangLYC #case study #data type- Quantiles over data streams: an experimental study (LW, GL, KY, GC), pp. 737–748.
FoSSaCS-2013-UmmelsB #markov #modelling- Computing Quantiles in Markov Reward Models (MU, CB), pp. 353–368.
ICML-c3-2013-GoschinWL- The Cross-Entropy Method Optimizes for Quantiles (SG, AW, MLL), pp. 1193–1201.
ICML-c3-2013-YangMM #scalability- Quantile Regression for Large-scale Applications (JY, XM, MWM), pp. 881–887.
ASPLOS-2013-OliveiraFDHS #why- Why you should care about quantile regression (ABdO, SF, AD, MH, PFS), pp. 207–218.
ICML-2012-BoukouvalasBC #process #using- Gaussian Process Quantile Regression using Expectation Propagation (AB, RB, DC), p. 123.
SIGMOD-2011-HuangWYL #algorithm #network- Sampling based algorithms for quantile computation in sensor networks (ZH, LW, KY, YL), pp. 745–756.
SIGMOD-2010-TaoYSPL #summary- Logging every footstep: quantile summaries for the entire history (YT, KY, CS, JP, FL), pp. 639–650.
PODS-2009-YiZ #distributed- Optimal tracking of distributed heavy hitters and quantiles (KY, QZ), pp. 167–174.
ICML-2008-Rosset #kernel- Bi-level path following for cross validated solution of kernel quantile regression (SR), pp. 840–847.
ICDAR-2007-RamirezTBR #algorithm #linear #robust- Quantile Linear Algorithm for Robust Binarization of Digitalized Letters (MR, ET, MB, RR), pp. 1158–1162.
ICALP-2007-GuhaM #bound #estimation #multi #streaming- Lower Bounds for Quantile Estimation in Random-Order and Multi-pass Streaming (SG, AM), pp. 704–715.
CIKM-2007-ZhangW #algorithm #approximate #data type #performance- An efficient algorithm for approximate biased quantile computation in data streams (QZ, WW), pp. 1023–1026.
KDD-2007-PerlichRLZ #estimation #modelling- High-quantile modeling for customer wallet estimation and other applications (CP, SR, RDL, BZ), pp. 977–985.
PODS-2006-CormodeKMS #algorithm #data type- Space- and time-efficient deterministic algorithms for biased quantiles over data streams (GC, FK, SM, DS), pp. 263–272.
PODS-2006-GuhaM #approximate #order- Approximate quantiles and the order of the stream (SG, AM), pp. 273–279.
SIGMOD-2005-CormodeGMR #approximate #distributed- Holistic Aggregates in a Networked World: Distributed Tracking of Approximate Quantiles (GC, MNG, SM, RR), pp. 25–36.
SIGMOD-2005-GovindarajuRM #approximate #mining #performance #using- Fast and Approximate Stream Mining of Quantiles and Frequencies Using Graphics Processors (NKG, NR, DM), pp. 611–622.
PODS-2004-ArasuM #approximate- Approximate Counts and Quantiles over Sliding Windows (AA, GSM), pp. 286–296.
VLDB-2002-GilbertKMS #how #maintenance- How to Summarize the Universe: Dynamic Maintenance of Quantiles (ACG, YK, SM, MS), pp. 454–465.
KDD-2000-ChenLP #estimation #incremental- Incremental quantile estimation for massive tracking (FC, DL, JCP), pp. 516–522.
SIGMOD-1998-RajagopalanML #approximate #memory management- Approximate Medians and other Quantiles in One Pass and with Limited Memory (GSM, SR, BGL), pp. 426–435.
VLDB-1997-AlsabtiRS #algorithm- A One-Pass Algorithm for Accurately Estimating Quantiles for Disk-Resident Data (KA, SR, VS), pp. 346–355.