Stem questionnair$ (all stems)
28 papers:
DHM-HM-2015-KanazawaOWWTGH #bibliography #evaluation #visual notation- Visual Evaluation of “The Way of Tea” Based on Questionnaire Survey Between Chinese and Japanese (SK, TO, ZW, RW, YT, AG, HH), pp. 299–306.
CSCW-2014-YaroshMA #communication #towards- Towards a questionnaire for measuring affective benefits and costs of communication technologies (SY, PM, GDA), pp. 84–96.
DUXU-TMT-2014-SchreppHT #evaluation #experience #user interface- Applying the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) in Different Evaluation Scenarios (MS, AH, JT), pp. 383–392.
HIMI-AS-2014-TanikawaA #analysis #bibliography- User Analysis and Questionnaire Survey (MT, YA), pp. 489–497.
SCSM-2014-ShiLYLC #development #network #social #validation- The Development and Validation of the Social Network Sites (SNSs) Usage Questionnaire (YS, YLLL, ZY, YL, HC), pp. 113–124.
DUXU-PMT-2013-Evans #bibliography #online- Beyond Satisfaction Questionnaires: “Hacking” the Online Survey (ALE), pp. 222–231.
ICML-c2-2013-SalazarBGHC- Exploring the Mind: Integrating Questionnaires and fMRI (ES, RB, AG, AH, LC), pp. 262–270.
CHI-2012-KanoR #experience- Interchangeability of computer and paper based questionnaires in gathering computer experience data from young children (AK, JCR), pp. 2397–2400.
ICEIS-v3-2012-HamadaASO #classification #documentation #taxonomy #using- A Classification Method of Open-ended Questionnaires using Category-based Dictionary from Sampled Documents (KH, MA, MS, HO), pp. 193–198.
CHI-2011-SauroL #design #question #usability- When designing usability questionnaires, does it hurt to be positive? (JS, JRL), pp. 2215–2224.
ITiCSE-2010-MarcosHGGMGBOGVME #learning #mobile #online- A mobile learning tool to deliver online questionnaires (LdM, JRH, EG, AGC, JJM, JMG, RB, SO, JAG, EV, MMM, SE), p. 319.
CHI-2009-SauroD #comparison #usability- Comparison of three one-question, post-task usability questionnaires (JS, JSD), pp. 1599–1608.
HCI-NIMT-2009-AmftASST #gesture- Gesture-Controlled User Input to Complete Questionnaires on Wrist-Worn Watches (OA, RA, AS, DPS, GT), pp. 131–140.
HCI-NT-2009-LeuteritzWK #multi #usability #validation- Multi-level Validation of the ISOmetrics Questionnaire Based on Qualitative and Quantitative Data Obtained from a Conventional Usability Test (JPL, HW, MK), pp. 304–313.
HCI-NT-2009-Ryu #automation #evaluation #mobile #usability- Mobile Phone Usability Questionnaire (MPUQ) and Automated Usability Evaluation (YSR), pp. 349–351.
HCI-NT-2009-Trujillo- Paper to Electronic Questionnaires: Effects on Structured Questionnaire Forms (AT), pp. 362–371.
ITiCSE-2008-MartinH #algorithm #design- Cognitive dimensions questionnaire applied to exploratory algorithm design (CJM, JMH), pp. 184–188.
HCI-IDU-2007-LingLX #complexity #using #validation #web- Validating Information Complexity Questionnaires Using Travel Web Sites (CL, ML, JX), pp. 901–910.
CAiSE-2007-RosaLSDH #modelling #process- Questionnaire-driven Configuration of Reference Process Models (MLR, JL, SS, MD, AHMtH), pp. 424–438.
ICEIS-v1-2004-PaparoZL #automation #generative #process- Proposal for Automating the Generation Process of Questionnaires to Measure the Satisfaction Level of Software Users (MP, SZ, MIL), pp. 113–118.
ICEIS-v3-2004-SapateiroGG #named- Q-Online: Integrating a Questionnaire System in an Organization (CS, HG, NPG), pp. 543–547.
KDD-2001-LiY #mining- Mining from open answers in questionnaire data (HL, KY), pp. 443–449.
ASE-2000-MooreS #comparison #requirements- A Comparison of Questionnaire-Based and GUI-Based Requirements Gathering (JMM, FMSI), pp. 35–44.
HCI-EI-1999-Arnold #approach #evaluation #interface- Mental effort and evaluation of user-interfaces: a questionnaire approach (AGA), pp. 1003–1007.
HCI-EI-1999-Hollemans #metric #user satisfaction- User Satisfaction Measurement Methodolgies: Extending the User Satisfaction Questionnaire (GH), pp. 1008–1012.
HCI-EI-1999-Lewis #design #trade-off #usability- Tradeoffs in the Design of the IBM Computer Usability Satisfaction Questionnaires (JRL), pp. 1023–1027.
HCI-CC-1997-SchmitzNCS #development- Emotional Demands in Musculoskeletal Discomfort: Development of a New Questionnaire (WS, LN, PC, MJS), pp. 505–508.
KDD-1996-TeranoI #induction #information management #interactive #learning #using- Interactive Knowledge Discovery from Marketing Questionnaire Using Simulated Breeding and Inductive Learning Methods (TT, YI), pp. 279–282.