44 papers:
LATA-2015-BaillyDR- Recognizable Series on Hypergraphs (RB, FD, GR), pp. 639–651.
CHI-2014-WagnerLS #multi- Multi-finger chords for hand-held tablets: recognizable and memorable (JW, EL, TS), pp. 2883–2892.
GT-VMT-2013-KupperKB #category theory- Concatenation and other Closure Properties of Recognizable Languages in Adhesive Categories (SK, BK, HJSB).
DLT-J-2010-Giammarresi11 #subclass- Exploring inside Tiling Recognizable Picture Languages to Find Deterministic subclasses (DG), pp. 1519–1532.
DLT-J-2010-RigoW11 #finite #logic #set- Logical Characterization of Recognizable Sets of polynomials over a Finite Field (MR, LW), pp. 1549–1563.
LATA-2011-AnselmoGM #classification #string- Classification of String Languages via Tiling Recognizable Picture Languages (MA, DG, MM), pp. 105–116.
GT-VMT-2011-BrugginkH #decidability #graph- Decidability and Expressiveness of Finitely Representable Recognizable Graph Languages (HJSB, MH).
RTA-2011-DurandS #bound #linear- Left-linear Bounded TRSs are Inverse Recognizability Preserving (ID, MS), pp. 361–376.
DLT-2010-Giammarresi #2d- A Brief Excursion Inside the Class of Tiling Recognizable Two-Dimensional Languages (DG), pp. 4–15.
GT-VMT-2010-BlumeBK #graph #invariant- Recognizable Graph Languages for Checking Invariants (CB, HJSB, BK).
ICGT-2010-Blume #graph #verification- Recognizable Graph Languages for the Verification of Dynamic Systems (CB), pp. 384–387.
DLT-2009-Kirsten #commutative- The Support of a Recognizable Series over a Zero-Sum Free, Commutative Semiring Is Recognizable (DK), pp. 326–333.
ICGT-2008-BrugginkK #graph #on the- On the Recognizability of Arrow and Graph Languages (HJSB, BK), pp. 336–350.
CIAA-2007-AnselmoGM #2d #automaton- Tiling Automaton: A Computational Model for Recognizable Two-Dimensional Languages (MA, DG, MM), pp. 290–302.
DLT-2007-AnselmoGM #2d #nondeterminism- From Determinism to Non-determinism in Recognizable Two-Dimensional Languages (MA, DG, MM), pp. 36–47.
LATA-2007-BorchertR- Deterministically and Sudoku-Deterministically Recognizable Picture Languages (BB, KR), pp. 175–186.
RTA-2007-DurandS #bottom-up- Bottom-Up Rewriting Is Inverse Recognizability Preserving (ID, GS), pp. 107–121.
CIAA-2006-Maletti #question- Does o-Substitution Preserve Recognizability? (AM), pp. 150–161.
CIAA-2005-AnselmoM #2d #automaton #queue #simulation- Simulating Two-Dimensional Recognizability by Pushdown and Queue Automata (MA, MM), pp. 43–53.
CIAA-2005-Freivalds #automaton #finite #quantum- Languages Recognizable by Quantum Finite Automata (RF), pp. 1–14.
FoSSaCS-2004-MalerP #on the- On Recognizable Timed Languages (OM, AP), pp. 348–362.
DLT-2004-Courcelle #bibliography #graph #relational #set- Recognizable Sets of Graphs, Hypergraphs and Relational Structures: A Survey (BC), pp. 1–11.
DLT-2003-Borchardt #theorem- The Myhill-Nerode Theorem for Recognizable Tree Series (BB), pp. 146–158.
SAS-2002-NielsonNS #horn clause #normalisation- Normalizable Horn Clauses, Strongly Recognizable Relations, and Spi (FN, HRN, HS), pp. 20–35.
CAV-2002-KupfermanPV #linear #model checking- Model Checking Linear Properties of Prefix-Recognizable Systems (OK, NP, MYV), pp. 371–385.
RTA-2002-SekiTFK #term rewriting- Layered Transducing Term Rewriting System and Its Recognizability Preserving Property (HS, TT, YF, YK), pp. 98–113.
DLT-2001-Kuske #axiom #set- Recognizable Sets of N-Free Pomsets Are Monadically Axiomatizable (DK), pp. 206–216.
FoSSaCS-2000-HussonM #on the- On Recognizable Stable Trace Languages (JFH, RM), pp. 177–191.
RTA-2000-TakaiKS #effectiveness #finite #linear #term rewriting- Right-Linear Finite Path Overlapping Term Rewriting Systems Effectively Preserve Recognizability (TT, YK, HS), pp. 246–260.
FoSSaCS-1999-BogaertST #automaton #problem- The Recognizability Problem for Tree Automata with Comparisons between Brothers (BB, FS, ST), pp. 150–164.
FoSSaCS-1998-Matz #on the- On Piecewise Testable, Starfree, and Recognizable Picture Languages (OM), pp. 203–210.
ICALP-1997-DrosteG #on the- On Recognizable and Rational Formal Power Series in Partially Commuting Variables (MD, PG), pp. 682–692.
ICALP-1997-Kabanets- Recognizability Equals Definability for Partial k-Paths (VK), pp. 805–815.
CAV-1997-CeceF #effectiveness #source code- Programs with Quasi-Stable Channels are Effectively Recognizable (Extended Abstract) (GC, AF), pp. 304–315.
DLT-1995-Giammarresi #2d #bibliography #finite- Finite State Recognizability for Two-Dimensional Languages: A Brief Survey (DG), pp. 299–308.
ICALP-1994-Droste #concurrent #monad #theorem- A KLeene Theorem for Recognizable Languages over Concurrency Monoids (MD), pp. 388–399.
DLT-1993-Gimmarresi #2d- Two-Dimensional Languages and Recognizable Functions (DG), pp. 290–301.
DLT-1993-JurvanenPT- Tree Languages Recognizable by Regular Frontier Check (EJ, AP, WT), pp. 3–17.
ICALP-1988-BerstelR- Zeta Functions of Recognizable Languages (JB, CR), pp. 93–104.
ICALP-1986-Mascle #matrix- Torsion Matrix Semigroups and Recognizable Transductions (JPM), pp. 244–253.
ICALP-1986-Metivier #commutative #monad #on the #set- On Recognizable Subsets of Free Partially Commutative Monoids (YM), pp. 254–264.
ICALP-1978-Restivo #monad #set- Some Decision Results for Recognizable Sets in Arbitrary Monoids (AR), pp. 363–371.
STOC-1974-CookS #polynomial #requirements- Storage Requirements for Deterministic Polynomial Time Recognizable Languages (SAC, RS), pp. 33–39.
ICALP-1972-Takahashi #set- Primitive Tranformations of Regular Sets and Recognizable Sets (MT), pp. 475–480.