Tag #queue
48 papers:
CASE-2019-BaeM #equivalence #recursion- Exit Time Recursions, Recording Principles, and Queue Equivalence in Generalized Regular Flow Lines (SYB, JRM), pp. 922–929.
CIAA-2018-KutribMW #automaton #preprocessor- Boosting Pushdown and Queue Machines by Preprocessing (MK, AM, MW), pp. 28–40.
DLT-2016-KuskeP #monad- The Trace Monoids in the Queue Monoid and in the Direct Product of Two Free Monoids (DK, OP), pp. 256–267.
CIAA-J-2013-KutribMMPW15 #automaton #decidability #finite- Deterministic input-driven queue automata: Finite turns, decidability, and closure properties (MK, AM, CM, BP, MW), pp. 58–71.
PPoPP-2015-0003GTT - The lock-free k-LSM relaxed priority queue (MW, JG, JLT, PT), pp. 277–278.
PPoPP-2015-AlistarhKLS #scalability- The SprayList: a scalable relaxed priority queue (DA, JK, JL, NS), pp. 11–20.
CAiSE-2014-SenderovichWGM #mining #predict #process- Queue Mining — Predicting Delays in Service Processes (AS, MW, AG, AM), pp. 42–57.
CIAA-2013-KutribMMPW #automaton #decidability #finite- Input-Driven Queue Automata: Finite Turns, Decidability, and Closure Properties (MK, AM, CM, BP, MW), pp. 232–243.
CASE-2012-TanWL - Improving patient flow in emergency department through dynamic priority queue (KWT, CW, HCL), pp. 125–130.
PPoPP-2012-LiuS - A lock-free, array-based priority queue (YL, MFS), pp. 323–324.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-BohmHL #clustering #multi #optimisation- Multi-process Optimization Via Horizontal Message Queue Partitioning (MB, DH, WL), pp. 5–14.
ICEIS-J-2010-BohmHL10a #clustering #multi #optimisation- Multi-flow Optimization via Horizontal Message Queue Partitioning (MB, DH, WL), pp. 31–47.
KEOD-2010-Martinez-VillasenorGGH #multi #ontology- An Ontology Driven Multi-agent System for Client Assignment in a Bank Queue (MdLMV, DGM, MGM, NHG), pp. 241–250.
QAPL-2009-Aissani - An MX/G/1 Energetic Retrial Queue with Vacations and it’s Control (AA), pp. 33–44.
HPDC-2009-SonmezYIE #evaluation #predict #runtime- Trace-based evaluation of job runtime and queue wait time predictions in grids (OOS, NY, AI, DHJE), pp. 111–120.
ASE-2008-Hall #modelling #realtime #specification #using #validation- Validating Real Time Specifications using Real Time Event Queue Modeling (RJH), pp. 79–88.
SAC-2008-TsaiHC #design #power management #scalability- Power-efficient and scalable load/store queue design via address compression (YYT, CJH, CHC), pp. 1523–1527.
DATE-2008-KM #design #process- Process Variation Aware Issue Queue Design (RK, MM), pp. 1438–1443.
PPoPP-2008-GiacomoniMV #concurrent #parallel #performance #pipes and filters- FastForward for efficient pipeline parallelism: a cache-optimized concurrent lock-free queue (JG, TM, MV), pp. 43–52.
TACAS-2008-TorreMP #analysis #bound #concurrent- Context-Bounded Analysis of Concurrent Queue Systems (SLT, PM, GP), pp. 299–314.
CASE-2007-SchmidtR - Queue time and x-factor characteristics for semiconductor manufacturing with small lot sizes (KS, OR), pp. 1069–1074.
HPDC-2007-HackerM #reliability #using- Using queue structures to improve job reliability (TJH, ZM), pp. 43–54.
ICPR-v1-2006-LinCW #detection #multi #realtime- A Real-Time Multiple-Vehicle Detection and Tracking System with Prior Occlusion Detection and Resolution, and Prior Queue Detection and Resolution (SPL, YHC, BFW), pp. 828–831.
DAC-2006-StojanovicBDW #effectiveness #implementation- A cost-effective implementation of an ECC-protected instruction queue for out-of-order microprocessors (VS, RIB, JD, RW), pp. 705–708.
CIAA-2005-AnselmoM #2d #automaton #simulation- Simulating Two-Dimensional Recognizability by Pushdown and Queue Automata (MA, MM), pp. 43–53.
DATE-2005-PapaefstathiouOKKMN #network- Queue Management in Network Processors (IP, TO, GK, CK, IM, AN), pp. 112–117.
HPCA-2005-JonesOAG #reduction- Software Directed Issue Queue Power Reduction (TMJ, MFPO, JA, AG), pp. 144–153.
ITiCSE-2004-Sher #implementation- A simple implementation of a queue with a circularly linked list (DBS), p. 274.
HPCA-2004-AbellaG #distributed- Low-Complexity Distributed Issue Queue (JA, AG), pp. 73–83.
DAC-2003-KornarosPNZ #memory management #multi #optimisation #programmable- A fully-programmable memory management system optimizing queue handling at multi-gigabit rates (GK, IP, AN, NZ), pp. 54–59.
DAC-2003-MoreshetB #design #power management- Power-aware issue queue design for speculative instructions (TM, RIB), pp. 634–637.
HPDC-2003-KlebanC - Quelling Queue Storms (SDK, SHC), pp. 162–173.
PDP-2003-HeLJ #approach #case study- A Case Study of a System Level Approach to Exploration of Queuing Management Schemes for Input Queue Packet Switches (CH, ML, MFJ), pp. 401–408.
STOC-2002-ArgeBDHM #algorithm #graph- Cache-oblivious priority queue and graph algorithm applications (LA, MAB, EDD, BHM, JIM), pp. 268–276.
CSMR-2001-PentaCAM #maintenance #modelling #web- Modeling Web Maintenance Centers through Queue Models (MDP, GC, GA, EM), pp. 131–138.
ICSM-2001-AntoniolCLPR #approach #maintenance- A Queue Theory-Based Approach to Staff Software Maintenance Centers (GA, GC, GADL, MDP, FR), pp. 510–519.
ICALP-2001-AbdullaBB #effectiveness- Effective Lossy Queue Languages (PAA, LB, AB), pp. 639–651.
CIAA-2000-Ibarra #reachability #safety- Reachability and Safety in Queue Systems (OHI), pp. 145–156.
HPCA-1999-FalsafiW #abstraction #communication #parallel #programming #protocol- Parallel Dispatch Queue: A Queue-Based Programming Abstraction to Parallelize Fine-Grain Communication Protocols (BF, DAW), pp. 182–192.
ICALP-1998-PetersenR #performance #simulation- Efficient Simulations by Queue Machines (HP, JMR), pp. 884–895.
ICPR-1996-FurukawaIU #image #multi- Active tubes in multiscale image queue (RF, MI, TU), pp. 488–492.
LICS-1996-GodefroidL #protocol #verification- Symbolic Protocol Verification With Queue BDDs (PG, DEL), pp. 198–206.
HPCA-1995-Weiss #implementation #multi- Implementing Register Interlocks in Parallel-Pipeline Multiple Instruction Queue, Superscalar Processors (SW), pp. 14–21.
HPDC-1993-MaR #composition #multi #named- MULTIPAR: An Output Queue ATM Modular Switch with Multiple Phases and Replicated Planes (JM, KR), pp. 152–159.
PODS-1991-Garcia-MolinaS #nondeterminism- Non-Deterministic Queue Operations (HGM, KS), pp. 53–62.
PODS-1988-Kelter #concurrent #protocol- The Queue Protocol: A Deadlock-free Homogeneous Non-Two-Phase Locking Protocol (UK), pp. 142–151.
ESOP-1986-TanakaK #compilation #concurrent #prolog- Compiling Extended Concurrent Prolog — Single Queue Compilation (JT, MK), pp. 301–314.
STOC-1977-Brown #complexity #maintenance- The Complexity of Priority Queue Maintenance (MRB), pp. 42–48.