5 papers:
DAC-2015-SantosVK #adaptation #configuration management #embedded #reliability- Dynamically adaptive scrubbing mechanism for improved reliability in reconfigurable embedded systems (RS, SV, AK), p. 6.
CHI-2013-MatejkaGF #named #online #video- Swifter: improved online video scrubbing (JM, TG, GWF), pp. 1159–1168.
CHI-2012-MatejkaGF #latency #named #online #video- Swift: reducing the effects of latency in online video scrubbing (JM, TG, GWF), pp. 637–646.
HPCA-2012-AwasthiSSRBS #performance- Efficient scrub mechanisms for error-prone emerging memories (MA, MS, KS, BR, RB, VS), pp. 15–26.
DAC-2011-ReviriegoMB #ad hoc #design #fault #memory management #reliability #sequence- Designing ad-hoc scrubbing sequences to improve memory reliability against soft errors (PR, JAM, SB), pp. 700–705.