12 papers:
DAC-2014-HuangW #estimation #multi- Advanced Soft-Error-Rate (SER) Estimation with Striking-Time and Multi-Cycle Effects (RHMH, CHPW), p. 6.
HPCA-2012-BensonCFHGNS #design #hardware #implementation #integration- Design, integration and implementation of the DySER hardware accelerator into OpenSPARC (JB, RC, CF, CHH, VG, TN, KS), pp. 115–126.
SIGIR-2011-LagunA #interactive #named #scalability #web- ViewSer: enabling large-scale remote user studies of web search examination and interaction (DL, EA), pp. 365–374.
DATE-2010-MajidK #performance- Stretching the limits of FPGA SerDes for enhanced ATE performance (AMM, DCK), pp. 202–207.
HPCA-2010-BiswasRMACJPPS #metric #using- Explaining cache SER anomaly using DUE AVF measurement (AB, CR, SSM, VA, LC, AJ, AEP, MP, NS), pp. 1–12.
DAC-2008-GerstlauerPSGNAN #implementation #specification- Specify-explore-refine (SER): from specification to implementation (AG, JP, DS, DG, AN, DA, YN), pp. 586–591.
DATE-2007-DabrowskiR #interactive- Interactive presentation: Boosting SER test for RF transceivers by simple DSP technique (JD, RR), pp. 719–724.
DATE-2007-MehraraASCBA #fault #low cost- Low-cost protection for SER upsets and silicon defects (MM, MA, SS, KC, VB, TMA), pp. 1146–1151.
DATE-2007-RhodLC #architecture #performance- A low-SER efficient core processor architecture for future technologies (ELR, CALL, LC), pp. 1448–1453.
DATE-2005-AsadiT #estimation #probability- An Accurate SER Estimation Method Based on Propagation Probability (GA, MBT), pp. 306–307.
ICEIS-v3-2003-DelgadoMSM- Aggregating Expert Profiles for Ser Quering Aid (MD, MJMB, DS, MAVM), pp. 278–285.
SIGMOD-2000-RundensteinerCCSO #web- SERFing the Web: Web Site Management Made Easy (EAR, KTC, LC, HS, KO), p. 585.