34 papers:
CHI-2015-WithanaPSN #gesture #named #recognition #smarttech- zSense: Enabling Shallow Depth Gesture Recognition for Greater Input Expressivity on Smart Wearables (AIW, RLP, NS, SN), pp. 3661–3670.
GPCE-2015-LeissaBHMS #domain-specific language #online #partial evaluation- Shallow embedding of DSLs via online partial evaluation (RL, KB, SH, RM, PS), pp. 11–20.
CADE-2015-SakaiOO #confluence- Non-E-Overlapping, Weakly Shallow, and Non-Collapsing TRSs are Confluent (MS, MO, MO), pp. 111–126.
ICALP-v1-2014-Wulff-Nilsen #approximate #distance #graph #performance- Faster Separators for Shallow Minor-Free Graphs via Dynamic Approximate Distance Oracles (CWN), pp. 1063–1074.
ICFP-2014-GibbonsW #domain-specific language #functional- Folding domain-specific languages: deep and shallow embeddings (functional Pearl) (JG, NW), pp. 339–347.
CIKM-2014-MukherjeeAJ #corpus #framework #ontology- Domain Cartridge: Unsupervised Framework for Shallow Domain Ontology Construction from Corpus (SM, JA, SJ), pp. 929–938.
ICPR-2014-YinYPH #case study #classification #learning- Shallow Classification or Deep Learning: An Experimental Study (XCY, CY, WYP, HWH), pp. 1904–1909.
KDD-2014-Melli #automation #parsing #semantics- Shallow semantic parsing of product offering titles (for better automatic hyperlink insertion) (GM), pp. 1670–1678.
ECOOP-2014-ScherrC #staging- Implicit Staging of EDSL Expressions: A Bridge between Shallow and Deep Embedding (MS, SC), pp. 385–410.
LICS-CSL-2014-KikotKPZ #on the #ontology #query- On the succinctness of query rewriting over shallow ontologies (SK, RK, VVP, MZ), p. 10.
PADL-2011-DevrieseP #combinator #domain-specific language #recursion #semiparsing- Explicitly Recursive Grammar Combinators — A Better Model for Shallow Parser DSLs (DD, FP), pp. 84–98.
DRR-2010-PeredaT #precise #semiparsing #using- Date of birth extraction using precise shallow parsing (RP, KT), pp. 1–10.
CIKM-2010-LiLY #named #query #semantics #using- EntityEngine: answering entity-relationship queries using shallow semantics (XL, CL, CY), pp. 1925–1926.
ICPR-2010-BaeJ- Building a Videorama with Shallow Depth of Field (SB, HJ), pp. 420–423.
DocEng-2009-GeorgHCPI #analysis #documentation- From rhetorical structures to document structure: shallow pragmatic analysis for document engineering (GG, HH, MC, HP, MI), pp. 185–192.
KEOD-2009-GrozaH #approach #hybrid #metadata #towards- A Hybrid Approach Towards Information Expansion based on Shallow and Deep Metadata (TG, SH), pp. 109–116.
SIGIR-2009-YilmazR #learning #rank- Deep versus shallow judgments in learning to rank (EY, SR), pp. 662–663.
SIGIR-2009-ZhangWLOJH #dependence #mining #parsing- Mining product reviews based on shallow dependency parsing (QZ, YW, TL, MO, JJ, XH), pp. 726–727.
RTA-2009-GodoyJ #normalisation- Unique Normalization for Shallow TRS (GG, FJ), pp. 63–77.
RTA-2008-KojimaS #decidability #linear #reachability #term rewriting- Innermost Reachability and Context Sensitive Reachability Properties Are Decidable for Linear Right-Shallow Term Rewriting Systems (YK, MS), pp. 187–201.
CHI-2007-HancockCC #3d #design #evaluation #interactive- Shallow-depth 3d interaction: design and evaluation of one-, two- and three-touch techniques (MSH, MSTC, AC), pp. 1147–1156.
RTA-2007-GodoyH #decidability #term rewriting- Innermost-Reachability and Innermost-Joinability Are Decidable for Shallow Term Rewrite Systems (GG, EH), pp. 184–199.
LDTA-2006-Helin- Combining Deep and Shallow Embeddings (JH), pp. 61–79.
RTA-2006-WangS #decidability #linear #termination- Decidability of Termination for Semi-constructor TRSs, Left-Linear Shallow TRSs and Related Systems (YW, MS), pp. 343–356.
CADE-2005-GodoyT #linear #term rewriting #termination- Termination of Rewrite Systems with Shallow Right-Linear, Collapsing, and Right-Ground Rules (GG, AT), pp. 164–176.
CSL-2005-GodoyT #confluence #linear #term rewriting- Confluence of Shallow Right-Linear Rewrite Systems (GG, AT), pp. 541–556.
ECIR-2003-Jones #documentation #retrieval- Document Retrieval: Shallow Data, Deep Theories; Historical Reflections, Potential Directions (KSJ), pp. 1–11.
RTA-1998-JacquemardMW #equation #unification- Unification in Extension of Shallow Equational Theories (FJ, CM, CW), pp. 76–90.
SIGIR-1997-KlavansTJ #automation #effectiveness #multi #natural language #semiparsing #speech- Effective Use of Natural Language Processing Techniques for Automatic Conflation of Multi-Word Terms: The Role of Derivational Morphology, Part of Speech Tagging, and Shallow Parsing (ET, JK, CJ), pp. 148–155.
ICLP-1995-Cicekli #backtracking- Shallow Backtracking Points in an Intelligent Backtracking Schema (IC), p. 815.
STOC-1992-PatersonZ #multi- Shallow Multiplication Circuits and Wise Financial Investments (MP, UZ), pp. 429–437.
LICS-1992-ComonHJ #decidability #equation #problem- Decidable Problems in Shallow Equational Theories (Extended Abstract) (HC, MH, JPJ), pp. 255–265.
SLP-1985-MiyazakiTC85 #concurrent #implementation #prolog- A Sequential Implementation of Concurrent Prolog Based on the Shallow Binding Scheme (TM, AT, TC), pp. 110–118.
LFP-1982-White #bound #constant- Constant Time Interpretation for Shallow-bound Variables in the Presence of Mixed SPECIAL/LOCAL Declarations (JLW), pp. 196–200.