7 papers:
CHI-2015-SmithBNHVBWO #gesture- Exploring Gesture Sonification to Support Reflective Craft Practice (TS, SJB, BN, JH, AV, JB, PCW, PO), pp. 67–76.
HCI-IT-2015-WalkerSJ #interactive #performance- Interactive Sonification Markup Language (ISML) for Efficient Motion-Sound Mappings (JWW, MTS, MJ), pp. 385–394.
HIMI-AS-2014-CaldwellV #interface- Improving Control Room State Awareness through Complex Sonification Interfaces (BSC, JEV), pp. 317–323.
ICPC-2009-HusseinTBK #comprehension #design #guidelines- Sonification design guidelines to enhance program comprehension (KH, ET, IIB, SK), pp. 120–129.
ICPC-2006-BermanDGG #comprehension #using- The Sound of Software: Using Sonification to Aid Comprehension (LIB, SD, KBG, NG), pp. 225–229.
HT-2005-MillardR #3d #hypermedia #physics- The 3D sonification of links in physical hypermedia environments (DEM, MR), pp. 251–253.
HCI-EI-1999-EdwardsEA- Isomorphic Sonification of Spatial Relations (ADNE, GEE, AVA), pp. 526–530.