10 papers:
DocEng-2014-Fan0N #using- Paper stitching using maximum tolerant seam under local distortions (WF, JS, SN), pp. 35–44.
HCI-TMT-2014-SteigerLMKK #layout- Deterministic Local Layouts through High-Dimensional Layout Stitching (MS, HLT, TM, AK, JK), pp. 643–651.
ICPR-2014-PanagiotakisAM #animation #novel #segmentation- Temporal Segmentation and Seamless Stitching of Motion Patterns for Synthesizing Novel Animations of Periodic Dances (CP, AAA, DM), pp. 1892–1897.
DAC-2013-FangLC #multi- Stitch-aware routing for multiple e-beam lithography (SYF, IJL, YWC), p. 6.
CASE-2010-RichtsfeldSV #automation #detection #realtime- Real-time edge detection for automated fibre-mat stitching (MR, AS, MV), pp. 557–562.
ICPR-2010-TangS #automation #image- De-ghosting for Image Stitching with Automatic Content-Awareness (YT, JS), pp. 2210–2213.
KDD-2008-LiFGMF #learning #linear #named #parallel #performance- Cut-and-stitch: efficient parallel learning of linear dynamical systems on smps (LL, WF, FG, TCM, CF), pp. 471–479.
DATE-2003-RaoO #design- Virtual Compression through Test Vector Stitching for Scan Based Designs (WR, AO), pp. 10104–10109.
ICPR-v1-2000-KimKLK #image #reliability- Stitching Reliability for Estimating Camera Focal Length in Panoramic Image Mosaicing (HSK, HCK, WKL, CHK), pp. 1596–1599.
ICPR-1996-MaseN- Computing the field-of-view of a stitched panorama to create for sensitive virtual environments (KM, HN), pp. 151–155.