23 papers:
CASE-2015-BrisimiAZCP #detection- Sensing and classifying roadway obstacles: The street bump anomaly detection and decision support system (TSB, SA, YZ, CGC, ICP), pp. 1288–1293.
CHI-2015-PalenSAB #evolution- Success & Scale in a Data-Producing Organization: The Socio-Technical Evolution of OpenStreetMap in Response to Humanitarian Events (LP, RS, TJA, MB), pp. 4113–4122.
CSCW-2015-WangWWSZZZ #collaboration- Crowds on Wall Street: Extracting Value from Collaborative Investing Platforms (GW, TW, BW, DS, ZZ, HZ, BYZ), pp. 17–30.
HIMI-IKD-2015-AinoyaKT- Proposal of New Lighting Which Combined Functionality of Street Light and Outdoor Light (TA, KK, AT), pp. 491–499.
RecSys-2015-KaragiannakisGS #automation #category theory #recommendation- OSMRec Tool for Automatic Recommendation of Categories on Spatial Entities in OpenStreetMap (NK, GG, DS, SA), pp. 337–338.
SIGMOD-2014-AlarabiEAM #named #web #web service- TAREEG: a MapReduce-based web service for extracting spatial data from OpenStreetMap (LA, AE, RA, MFM), pp. 897–900.
KDD-2014-JagadeeshPBDS #image #recommendation #scalability #visual notation- Large scale visual recommendations from street fashion images (VJ, RP, AB, WD, NS), pp. 1925–1934.
CHI-2013-HaraLF #artificial reality #crowdsourcing #identification #problem- Combining crowdsourcing and google street view to identify street-level accessibility problems (KH, VL, JF), pp. 631–640.
CHI-2012-WaernBN #community #design #game studies- Athletes and street acrobats: designing for play as a community value in parkour (AW, EB, KJLN), pp. 869–878.
ICPR-2012-NodariVG #artificial reality #image #privacy- Digital privacy: Replacing pedestrians from Google Street View images (AN, MV, IG), pp. 2889–2893.
ICDAR-2011-PalRK #automation #recognition- Handwritten Street Name Recognition for Indian Postal Automation (UP, RKR, FK), pp. 483–487.
CSCW-2010-Su #online- Street fighter IV: braggadocio off and on-line (NMS), pp. 361–370.
ICPR-2010-UchiyamaDTIM #image #multi #sequence- Removal of Moving Objects from a Street-View Image by Fusing Multiple Image Sequences (HU, DD, TT, II, HM), pp. 3456–3459.
CHI-2009-AokiHMMPSW #community #research #using- A vehicle for research: using street sweepers to explore the landscape of environmental community action (PMA, RJH, AMM, CM, EP, SS, AW), pp. 375–384.
HCI-IPT-2007-ChenC #using- Using Agent Technology to Study Human Action and Perception Through a Virtual Street Simulator (CHC, MLC), pp. 560–568.
ICPR-v3-2004-UnsalanB #detection #image #multi #network- A System to Detect Houses and Residential Street Networks in Multispectral Satellite Images (CÜ, KLB), pp. 49–52.
CHI-2003-FlinthamBAHCGTAR #artificial reality #case study #experience #game studies #mobile #online- Where on-line meets on the streets: experiences with mobile mixed reality games (MF, SB, RA, TH, AC, CG, NT, MA, JRF), pp. 569–576.
DAC-2002-GavrielovGLSV- Wall street evaluates EDA (MG, RG, LL, VS, JV), p. 1.
ICDAR-1999-OgataUMSF #recognition- A Method for Street Number Matching in Japanese Address Recognition (HO, YU, KM, HS, HF), pp. 321–324.
HT-1998-Moulthrop- Straight Talk for Troubled Times, Or: The Street Finds Its Uses for Things (SM), p. 306.
SIGMOD-1997-Shasha #case study #lessons learnt #tutorial- Lessons from Wall Street: Case Studies in Configuration, Tuning, and Distribution (Tutorial) (DS), pp. 498–501.
ICDAR-v1-1995-NakajimaY #automation #database #recognition- Automatic recognition of facility drawings and street maps utilizing the facility management database (CN, TY), pp. 516–519.
ICDAR-v2-1995-El-YacoubiBG #recognition- Conjoined location and recognition of street names within a postal address delivery line (MAEY, JMB, MG), pp. 1024–1027.