24 papers:
SANER-2015-LaverdiereBM #analysis #composition #graph #using- Taint analysis of manual service compositions using Cross-Application Call Graphs (MAL, BJB, EM), pp. 585–589.
SCAM-2015-BlazyRS #obfuscation- Data tainting and obfuscation: Improving plausibility of incorrect taint (SB, SR, TS), pp. 111–120.
ISSTA-2015-HuangDMD #analysis #android #precise #scalability- Scalable and precise taint analysis for Android (WH, YD, AM, JD), pp. 106–117.
DATE-2014-SubramanyanA #design #security #verification- Formal verification of taint-propagation security properties in a commercial SoC design (PS, DA), pp. 1–2.
FASE-2014-HuangDM #analysis #java #type system #web- Type-Based Taint Analysis for Java Web Applications (WH, YD, AM), pp. 140–154.
SCAM-2014-YadegariD #analysis- Bit-Level Taint Analysis (BY, SD), pp. 255–264.
PLDI-2014-ArztRFBBKTOM #analysis #android #named #precise- FlowDroid: precise context, flow, field, object-sensitive and lifecycle-aware taint analysis for Android apps (SA, SR, CF, EB, AB, JK, YLT, DO, PM), p. 29.
FSE-2014-LerchHBM #analysis #named #performance #scalability- FlowTwist: efficient context-sensitive inside-out taint analysis for large codebases (JL, BH, EB, MM), pp. 98–108.
ISSTA-2013-WeiR #analysis #javascript- Practical blended taint analysis for JavaScript (SW, BGR), pp. 336–346.
FSE-2012-GanaiLG #analysis #concurrent #multi #named #source code #thread- DTAM: dynamic taint analysis of multi-threaded programs for relevancy (MKG, DL, AG), p. 46.
ICST-2012-BekrarBGM #approach #fuzzing- A Taint Based Approach for Smart Fuzzing (SB, CB, RG, LM), pp. 818–825.
OOPSLA-2011-SridharanAPGTB #analysis #named #web- F4F: taint analysis of framework-based web applications (MS, SA, MP, SG, OT, RB), pp. 1053–1068.
CC-2011-RimsadP #analysis #source code- Tainted Flow Analysis on e-SSA-Form Programs (AR, Md, FMQP), pp. 124–143.
ECOOP-2010-DhooliaMSS #debugging #using- Debugging Model-Transformation Failures Using Dynamic Tainting (PD, SM, VSS, SS), pp. 26–51.
OSDI-2010-EnckGCCJMS #data flow #monitoring #named #privacy #realtime #smarttech- TaintDroid: An Information-Flow Tracking System for Realtime Privacy Monitoring on Smartphones (WE, PG, BGC, LPC, JJ, PM, AS), pp. 393–407.
PLDI-2009-TrippPFSW #analysis #effectiveness #named #web- TAJ: effective taint analysis of web applications (OT, MP, SJF, MS, OW), pp. 87–97.
ICSE-2009-GaneshLR #fuzzing- Taint-based directed whitebox fuzzing (VG, TL, MCR), pp. 474–484.
ISSTA-2009-ClauseO #automation #identification #named #using- Penumbra: automatically identifying failure-relevant inputs using dynamic tainting (JAC, AO), pp. 249–260.
CGO-2008-SaxenaSP #fine-grained #performance- Efficient fine-grained binary instrumentationwith applications to taint-tracking (PS, RS, VP), pp. 74–83.
HPCA-2008-VenkataramaniDSP #named #programmable- FlexiTaint: A programmable accelerator for dynamic taint propagation (GV, ID, YS, MP), pp. 173–184.
ASE-2007-ClauseDOP #effectiveness #memory management #using- Effective memory protection using dynamic tainting (JAC, ID, AO, MP), pp. 284–292.
ISSTA-2007-ClauseLO #analysis #framework #named- Dytan: a generic dynamic taint analysis framework (JAC, WL, AO), pp. 196–206.
FSE-2006-HalfondOM #evaluation #injection #sql #using- Using positive tainting and syntax-aware evaluation to counter SQL injection attacks (WGJH, AO, PM), pp. 175–185.
ECOOP-2005-PistoiaFKS #analysis #detection #interprocedural- Interprocedural Analysis for Privileged Code Placement and Tainted Variable Detection (MP, RJF, LK, VCS), pp. 362–386.