30 papers:
CHI-2015-OakleyLIE #gesture #named- Beats: Tapping Gestures for Smart Watches (IO, DL, MRI, AE), pp. 1237–1246.
CHI-2015-VertanenMERK #mobile #named #performance #using- VelociTap: Investigating Fast Mobile Text Entry using Sentence-Based Decoding of Touchscreen Keyboard Input (KV, HM, JE, SR, POK), pp. 659–668.
VLDB-2014-CatastaTDDAC #named- TransactiveDB: Tapping into Collective Human Memories (MC, AT, DED, GD, KA, PCM), pp. 1977–1980.
CHI-2014-GutwinCSMO #performance- Faster command selection on tablets with FastTap (CG, AC, JS, SM, SCO), pp. 2617–2626.
CHI-2014-HeoGL #using- Expanding touch input vocabulary by using consecutive distant taps (SH, JG, GL), pp. 2597–2606.
CHI-2014-PedersenH- Expressive touch: studying tapping force on tabletops (EWP, KH), pp. 421–430.
ITiCSE-2013-CarboneRC- Five years of taps on shoulders to PATS on backs in ICT (AC, BR, JC), pp. 195–200.
CHI-2013-HachisuK #interactive #named- HACHIStack: dual-layer photo touch sensing for haptic and auditory tapping interaction (TH, HK), pp. 1411–1420.
CHI-2013-KimSLKL13a #named- TapBoard: making a touch screen keyboard more touchable (SK, JS, GL, HK, WL), pp. 553–562.
CHI-2013-SerranoLG #gesture- Bezel-Tap gestures: quick activation of commands from sleep mode on tablets (MS, EL, YG), pp. 3027–3036.
HCI-IMT-2013-ShibuyaKM #web- A Web Browsing Method on Handheld Touch Screen Devices for Preventing from Tapping Unintended Links (YS, HK, KM), pp. 491–496.
CHI-2012-PiperWH #authoring #game studies #interactive #process #tool support- TAP & PLAY: an end-user toolkit for authoring interactive pen and paper language activities (AMP, NW, JDH), pp. 149–158.
HPCA-2012-LeeK #architecture #cpu #gpu #named #policy- TAP: A TLP-aware cache management policy for a CPU-GPU heterogeneous architecture (JL, HK), pp. 91–102.
DATE-2011-SinghSG #generative #performance #testing #using- Testing of high-speed DACs using PRBS generation with “Alternate-Bit-Tapping” (MS, MS, SG), pp. 377–382.
CHI-2011-RobinsonRJJSN #interface #mobile #named #towards- TapBack: towards richer mobile interfaces in impoverished contexts (SR, NR, MJ, AJ, SS, AAN), pp. 2733–2736.
CHI-2008-OlwalFH #agile #precise- Rubbing and tapping for precise and rapid selection on touch-screen displays (AO, SF, SH), pp. 295–304.
CIKM-2008-GuoXBY #community #recommendation- Tapping on the potential of q&a community by recommending answer providers (JG, SX, SB, YY), pp. 921–930.
ASPLOS-2008-WeinsbergDABW #operating system #programmable- Tapping into the fountain of CPUs: on operating system support for programmable devices (YW, DD, TA, MBY, PW), pp. 179–188.
CHI-2007-WobbrockCM #mobile- An alternative to push, press, and tap-tap-tap: gesturing on an isometric joystick for mobile phone text entry (JOW, DHC, BAM), pp. 667–676.
HCI-IPT-2007-ThuU #multi- Positional Mapping Multi-tap for Myanmar Language (YKT, YU), pp. 486–495.
HIMI-MTT-2007-MiyakeT #coordination #realtime- Internal Timing Mechanism for Real-Time Coordination — Two Types of Control in Synchronized Tapping (YM, KT), pp. 876–883.
CHI-2006-ParkKSHHK #named- TAP: touch-and-play (DGP, JKK, JBS, JHH, CHH, SWK), pp. 677–680.
HPCA-2005-VenkatesanAR #memory management #power management- Tapping ZettaRAMTM for Low-Power Memory Systems (RKV, ASAZ, ER), pp. 83–94.
CHI-2004-MizobuchiY- Tapping vs. circling selections on pen-based devices: evidence for different performance-shaping factors (SM, MY), pp. 607–614.
CAV-2000-Cohen #encryption #first-order #named #protocol #verification- TAPS: A First-Order Verifier for Cryptographic Protocols (EC), pp. 568–571.
CADE-1998-GorePSV #proving #smarttech #theorem proving- System Description: card TAP: The First Theorem Prover on a Smart Card (RG, JP, AS, HV), pp. 47–50.
CADE-1996-BeckertHOS #proving #theorem proving- The Tableau-based Theorem Prover 3TAP Version 4.0 (BB, RH, PO, MS), pp. 303–307.
SEKE-1993-YonezakiKSL #named #process- TAP: A New Model for Software Process: Tasks-Agents-Products (NY, TK, MS, JL), pp. 346–350.
CADE-1992-BeckertGHK #logic #multi #proving #theorem proving- The Tableau-Based Theorem Prover 3TAP for Multi-Valued Logics (BB, SG, RH, WK), pp. 758–760.
PODS-1986-ChanA #on the- On the Properties and Characterization of Connection-tap-free Schemes (EPFC, PA), pp. 140–147.