5 papers:
ITiCSE-2013-VihavainenVLK #case study #experience- Massive increase in eager TAs: experiences from extreme apprenticeship-based CS1 (AV, TV, ML, JK), pp. 123–128.
DATE-2012-AzevedoVBDGTPAM #architecture #fault- Impact of resistive-open defects on the heat current of TAS-MRAM architectures (JA, AV, AB, LD, PG, ATS, GP, JAH, KM), pp. 532–537.
FSE-2012-PasqualeMSCON #adaptation #named #security- SecuriTAS: a tool for engineering adaptive security (LP, CM, MS, LC, IO, BN), p. 19.
FASE-2000-LuthW #development #tool support- More About TAS and IsaWin — Tools for Formal Program Development (CL, BW), pp. 367–370.
FASE-1999-LuthTKK #development #proving #theorem proving #tool support- TAS and IsaWin: Tools for Transformational Program Development and Theorem Proving (CL, HT, K, BKB), pp. 239–243.