6 papers:
HCI-IT-2015-GentileMSG #design #gesture #interactive- Designing Touchless Gestural Interactions for Public Displays In-the-Wild (VG, AM, SS, AG), pp. 24–34.
HCI-AIMT-2014-MeyerBDS #concept #development #human-computer #information management #interactive- Development of Interaction Concepts for Touchless Human-Computer Interaction with Geographic Information Systems (RM, JB, JD, CMS), pp. 589–599.
CHI-2011-GrandhiJM #comprehension #gesture #interface- Understanding naturalness and intuitiveness in gesture production: insights for touchless gestural interfaces (SAG, GJ, IM), pp. 821–824.
CHI-2011-JohnsonOSCC #interactive- Exploring the potential for touchless interaction in image-guided interventional radiology (RJ, KO, AS, CC, AC), pp. 3323–3332.
DHM-2011-ElepfandtS #artificial reality #interactive #multimodal- Multimodal, Touchless Interaction in Spatial Augmented Reality Environments (ME, MS), pp. 263–271.
HCI-NIMT-2009-BarreCLMR #challenge- Touchless Interaction-Novel Chances and Challenges (RdlB, PC, UL, LM, DR), pp. 161–169.