43 papers:
- ICTSS-2013-StepienP #challenge #testing #using
- Challenges of Testing Periodic Messages in Avionics Systems Using TTCN-3 (BS, LP), pp. 207–222.
- ICTSS-2012-LahamiFKJ #adaptation #distributed #runtime #testing #towards
- Towards a TTCN-3 Test System for Runtime Testing of Adaptable and Distributed Systems (ML, FF, MK, MJ), pp. 71–86.
- ICTSS-2010-Schieferdecker #automation #perspective #state of the art #testing
- Test Automation with TTCN-3 — State of the Art and a Future Perspective (IS), pp. 1–14.
- ICST-2009-GrossmannSS #embedded #realtime #testing
- Testing Embedded Real Time Systems with TTCN-3 (JG, DAS, IS), pp. 81–90.
- ICST-2009-NodlerNG #assurance #flexibility #framework #java #quality #specification #uml
- A Flexible Framework for Quality Assurance of Software Artefacts with Applications to Java, UML, and TTCN-3 Test Specifications (JN, HN, JG), pp. 101–110.
- TestCom-FATES-2009-Gecse #automation #framework #generative #towards
- Towards Automatic Generation of a Coherent TTCN-3 Template Framework (RG), pp. 223–228.
- TestCom-FATES-2009-Szabados #analysis #scalability
- Structural Analysis of Large TTCN-3 Projects (KS), pp. 241–246.
- TestCom-FATES-2009-WangYXZGWLGZL #consistency #mobile #network #testing
- TTCN-3 Based Conformance Testing of Mobile Broadcast Business Management System in 3G Networks (ZW, XY, YX, RZ, SG, XW, SL, SG, LZ, PL), pp. 163–178.
- ICST-2008-RingsNG #grid #testing #using #workflow
- Testing Grid Application Workflows Using TTCN-3 (TR, HN, JG), pp. 210–219.
- TestCom-FATES-2008-GrossmannSW #modelling
- Modeling Property Based Stream Templates with TTCN-3 (JG, IS, HWW), pp. 70–85.
- TestCom-FATES-2008-SerbanescuMDSR #realtime #testing
- Real-Time Testing with TTCN-3 (DAS, VM, GD, IS, IR), pp. 283–301.
- TestCom-FATES-2007-NeukirchenB #detection #problem #quality #smell #testing
- Utilising Code Smells to Detect Quality Problems in TTCN-3 Test Suites (HN, MB), pp. 228–243.
- TestCom-FATES-2007-VegaSD #quality #testing
- Test Data Variance as a Test Quality Measure: Exemplified for TTCN-3 (DV, IS, GD), pp. 351–364.
- TestCom-2006-CsorbaPDC #analysis #concurrent #performance
- Performance Analysis of Concurrent PCOs in TTCN-3 (MJC, SP, SD, GC), pp. 149–160.
- TestCom-2006-DinTS #distributed #testing
- Distributed Load Tests with TTCN-3 (GD, ST, IS), pp. 177–196.
- TestCom-2006-Nyberg #testing
- Use of TTCN-3 for Software Module Testing (AJN), pp. 161–176.
- TestCom-2006-WangWYST #communication #realtime #testing #using
- Using Timed TTCN-3 in Interoperability Testing for Real-Time Communication Systems (ZW, JW, XY, XS, BT), pp. 324–340.
- FATES-2005-BlomIPRS #testing
- Simulated Time for Testing Railway Interlockings with TTCN-3 (SB, NI, JvdP, AR, NS), pp. 1–15.
- TestCom-2005-BatoriA #framework #independence #modelling #testing #using
- Using TTCN-3 for Testing Platform Independent Models (GB, DA), pp. 304–317.
- TestCom-2005-FlochRSV #empirical #lessons learnt #testing #using
- Some Lessons from an Experiment Using TTCN-3 for the RIPng Testing (AF, FR, AS, CV), pp. 318–332.
- TestCom-2005-ZanderDSD #approach #execution #modelling #testing
- From U2TP Models to Executable Tests with TTCN-3 — An Approach to Model Driven Testing (JZ, ZRD, IS, GD), pp. 289–303.
- FATES-2004-Vouffo-FeudjioS
- Test Patterns with TTCN-3 (AVF, IS), pp. 170–179.
- FATES-2004-Wu-Hen-ChangVBGC #testing
- High-Level Restructuring of TTCN-3 Test Data (AWHC, DLV, GB, RG, GC), pp. 180–194.
- TestCom-2004-DibuzST #mobile #performance
- BCMP Performance Test with TTCN-3 Mobile Node Emulator (SD, TS, ZT), pp. 50–59.
- TestCom-2004-Vassiliou-GiolesDS #execution #using
- Execution of External Applications using TTCN-3 (TVG, GD, IS), pp. 209–223.
- TestCom-2003-DaiGN #realtime #specification #visual notation
- T911IMED TTCN-3 Based Graphical Real-Time Test Specification (ZRD, JG, HN), pp. 110–127.
- TestCom-2003-GecseD
- An Intuitive TTCN-3 Data Presentation Format (RG, SD), pp. 63–78.
- TestCom-2003-SchieferdeckerDGR #testing #uml
- The UML 2.0 Testing Profile and Its Relation to TTCN-3 (IS, ZRD, JG, AR), pp. 79–94.
- TestCom-2003-SchieferdeckerV #distributed
- Realizing Distributed TTCN-3 Test Systems with TCI (IS, TVG), pp. 95–109.
- TestCom-2002-DaiGN #realtime
- Timed TTCN-3 — A Real-time Extension for TTCN-3 (ZRD, JG, HN), pp. 407–424.
- TestCom-2002-EbnerYL
- A Definition and Utilization of OMG IDL to TTCN-3 Mappings (ME, AY, ML), p. 443–?.
- TestCom-2002-Sachse #testing
- Position Statement: Making TTCN-3 testing a success (WS), pp. 201–208.
- TestCom-2002-SchulzV #implementation #using
- Implementation of TTCN-3 Test Systems using the TRI (SS, TVG), pp. 425–442.
- TestCom-2002-Szabo #case study #development #experience
- Experiences of TTCN-3 Test Executor Development (JZS), pp. 191–200.
- TestCom-2000-GecseKS #evaluation #performance
- HTTP Performance Evaluation with TTCN (RG, PK, JZS), pp. 177–192.
- TestCom-2000-GrabowskiWWH #design #on the #testing
- On the Design of the New Testing Language TTCN-3 (JG, AW, CW, DH), pp. 161–176.
- TestCom-2000-HorvathM #functional #testing #using
- Functional Testing GPRS Support Nodes Using TTCN (EH, AM), pp. 229–238.
- TestCom-2000-MednonogovKMM #consistency #corba #testing #using
- Conformance Testing of CORBA Services Using TTCN (AM, HK, OM, JM), p. 193–?.
- IWTCS-1999-GrabowskiH #towards
- Towards the Third Edition of TTCN (JG, DH), pp. 19–30.
- IWTCS-1998-Anlauf #programming #testing
- Programming Service Tests with TTCN (MA), pp. 259–274.
- IWPTS-1993-AhtiainenCHK #automation #case study #experience #tool support
- Experiences with Octopus Automated TTCN Translation Tools Applied to GSM/SS7 (AA, BC, MWAH, SK), pp. 231–253.
- IWPTS-1992-WalterP #concurrent #semantics
- An Operational Semantics for Concurrent TTCN (TW, BP), pp. 131–143.
- IWPTS-1991-Heijnk #compilation
- Session on TTCN Compilers (RJH), p. 295.