40 papers:
CASE-2015-LengWDC #fuzzy- Fuzzy sliding mode control for pan-tilt-zoom system driven by ultrasonic motor (XL, SW, YD, YC), pp. 868–873.
DATE-2015-ErolOSPB #metric #using- On-chip measurement of bandgap reference voltage using a small form factor VCO based zoom-in ADC (OEE, SO, CKHS, RAP, LB), pp. 1559–1562.
ICSE-v1-2015-PastoreM #detection #named- ZoomIn: Discovering Failures by Detecting Wrong Assertions (FP, LM), pp. 66–76.
CHI-2014-MayG #interface- Collocating interface objects: zooming into maps (JM, TG), pp. 2085–2094.
CHI-2014-SpindlerSMD #mobile- Pinch-drag-flick vs. spatial input: rethinking zoom & pan on mobile displays (MS, MS, MM, RD), pp. 1113–1122.
CHI-2013-OneyHOW #named #using- ZoomBoard: a diminutive qwerty soft keyboard using iterative zooming for ultra-small devices (SO, CH, AO, JW), pp. 2799–2802.
HCI-AS-2013-YamaguchiSYNSM #interface- Zoom Interface with Dynamic Thumbnails Providing Learners with Companionship through Videostreaming (TY, HS, MY, YN, HS, TM), pp. 521–528.
ITiCSE-2012-Retik #education #visual notation- Visual search with deep zoom to explore curriculum resources interactively (AR), p. 405.
CHI-2011-JakobsenH #bibliography #interface #visualisation- Sizing up visualizations: effects of display size in focus+context, overview+detail, and zooming interfaces (MRJ, KH), pp. 1451–1460.
CHI-2011-NakanishiKI #social- Zoom cameras and movable displays enhance social telepresence (HN, KK, HI), pp. 63–72.
CHI-2011-NancelWPCM- Mid-air pan-and-zoom on wall-sized displays (MN, JW, EP, OC, WEM), pp. 177–186.
CHI-2011-YangGIF #proximity #using- TouchCuts and TouchZoom: enhanced target selection for touch displays using finger proximity sensing (XDY, TG, PI, GWF), pp. 2585–2594.
HCD-2011-BurkhardtNBSK #named #semantics #using- SemaZoom: Semantics Exploration by Using a Layer-Based Focus and Context Metaphor (DB, KN, MB, CS, AK), pp. 491–499.
SAC-2011-KusamaI #music #named #user interface- MusCat: a music browser featuring abstract pictures and zooming user interface (KK, TI), pp. 1222–1228.
HT-2010-HallerA #approach #information management #named #semantics #user interface- iMapping: a zooming user interface approach for personal and semantic knowledge management (HH, AA), pp. 119–128.
CHI-2010-MalacriaLG #approach- Clutch-free panning and integrated pan-zoom control on touch-sensitive surfaces: the cyclostar approach (SM, EL, YG), pp. 2615–2624.
ICPR-2010-BimboLMP #detection #geometry #using- Person Detection Using Temporal and Geometric Context with a Pan Tilt Zoom Camera (ADB, GL, IM, FP), pp. 3886–3889.
ICSE-2010-DeLineR #development #towards- Code canvas: zooming towards better development environments (RD, KR), pp. 207–210.
CHI-2008-DachseltFW #metadata #multi #named #navigation- FacetZoom: a continuous multi-scale widget for navigating hierarchical metadata (RD, MF, MW), pp. 1353–1356.
CHI-2008-HarrisonD #agile #user interface- Lean and zoom: proximity-aware user interface and content magnification (CH, AKD), pp. 507–510.
SOFTVIS-2008-FrischDB #diagrams #semantics #towards #uml- Towards seamless semantic zooming techniques for UML diagrams (MF, RD, TB), pp. 207–208.
CASE-2007-SarkisSD #automation #modelling #parametricity #using- Modeling the Variation of the Intrinsic Parameters of an Automatic Zoom Camera System using Moving Least-Squares (MS, CTS, KD), pp. 560–565.
VLDB-2007-BitonBD #query #workflow- Zoom*UserViews: Querying Relevant Provenance in Workflow Systems (OB, SCB, SBD), pp. 1366–1369.
HCI-IDU-2007-SatoFWJAWR #performance #web- The Impact of Moving Around and Zooming of Objects on Users’ Performance in Web Pages: A Cross-Generation Study (HS, KF, LW, LJ, YA, MW, PLPR), pp. 921–928.
HCI-IPT-2007-Lee07a #mobile #tool support- Support Zooming Tools for Mobile Devices (KBL), pp. 408–417.
CHI-2006-AppertF #multi #navigation- OrthoZoom scroller: 1D multi-scale navigation (CA, JDF), pp. 21–30.
CHI-2006-NekrasovskiBMGM #bibliography #evaluation #navigation #perspective- An evaluation of pan & zoom and rubber sheet navigation with and without an overview (DN, AB, JM, FG, TM), pp. 11–20.
CHI-2005-CockburnSW #automation #interface #testing- Tuning and testing scrolling interfaces that automatically zoom (AC, JS, AW), pp. 71–80.
CHI-2005-FonoV #evaluation #named- EyeWindows: evaluation of eye-controlled zooming windows for focus selection (DF, RV), pp. 151–160.
CHI-2002-BaudischGBS #comparative #evaluation- Keeping things in context: a comparative evaluation of focus plus context screens, overviews, and zooming (PB, NG, VB, PKS), pp. 259–266.
ICPR-v3-2002-JinQH #detection #probability- A Probabilistic Model for Camera Zoom Detection (RJ, YQ, AGH), pp. 859–862.
ICPR-v1-2000-KimH #self- A Practical Self-Calibration Method of Rotating and Zooming Cameras (HK, KSH), pp. 1354–1357.
ICPR-v1-2000-MalisC #self- Self-Calibration of Zooming Cameras Observing an Unknown Planar Structure (EM, RC), pp. 1085–1088.
ICPR-v4-2000-ChenHFS #lens- Camera Calibration with a Motorized Zoom Lens (YSC, YPH, CSF, SWS), pp. 4495–4498.
ICPR-v4-2000-KumarSHH #video- Registration of Highly-Oblique and Zoomed in Aerial Video to Reference Imagery (RK, SS, SCH, KJH), pp. 4303–4307.
ICPR-1998-XuS #detection #realtime #using- Rits Eye: a software-based system for real-time face detection and tracking using pan-tilt-zoom controllable camera (GX, TS), pp. 1194–1197.
HCI-SEC-1997-HolmquistA #approach #scalability #set #visualisation- Flip Zooming: A Practical Focus+Context Approach to Visualizing Large Data Sets (LEH, CA), pp. 763–766.
ICPR-1996-AsadaAB #lens- Photometric calibration of zoom lens systems (NA, AA, MB), pp. 186–190.
ICPR-1996-WadaM- Appearance sphere: background model for pan-tilt-zoom camera (TW, TM), pp. 718–722.
SIGIR-1987-ThielH #interactive #knowledge base #visual notation- Informational Zooming: An Interaction Model for the Graphical Access to Text Knowledge Bases (UT, RH), pp. 45–56.