8 papers:
HIMI-DE-2014-KimH14a #embedded #interactive- Label Embedded Treemapping: A Label Overlap Prevention Technique for Zoomable Treemaps and a User Interaction Technique (KK, JH), pp. 44–53.
KDD-2013-ShahafYSJWL #scalability- Information cartography: creating zoomable, large-scale maps of information (DS, JY, CS, JJ, HW, JL), pp. 1097–1105.
CHI-2012-HourcadeDH #communication #multi- Supporting face-to-face communication between clinicians and children with chronic headaches through a zoomable multi-touch app (JPH, MD, KEH), pp. 2609–2618.
ICSE-2011-StengelFAFKD #development #feature model #infinity #interface- View infinity: a zoomable interface for feature-oriented software development (MS, MF, SA, JF, CK, RD), pp. 1031–1033.
HCI-NIMT-2009-GeigerRDKB #diagrams #scalability #user interface- A Zoomable User Interface for Presenting Hierarchical Diagrams on Large Screens (CG, HR, RD, SK, JB), pp. 791–800.
HIMI-DIE-2009-LaquaiAPR #3d #interactive #multimodal #user interface #using- Using 3D Touch Interaction for a Multimodal Zoomable User Interface (FL, MA, TP, GR), pp. 543–552.
ASE-2008-LiHG #code generation #interface #modelling #multi #named #process- MaramaEML: An Integrated Multi-View Business Process Modelling Environment with Tree-Overlays, Zoomable Interfaces and Code Generation (RLL, JGH, JCG), pp. 477–478.
HIMI-MTT-2007-GundelsweilerMR #named #user interface- ZEUS — Zoomable Explorative User Interface for Searching and Object Presentation (FG, TM, HR), pp. 288–297.