Travelled to:
1 × Italy
Collaborated with:
S.Langevin N.R.Boyer W.D.Armitage C.Bennett M.Rideout C.Godwin J.Stanaback R.Tindell G.K.Johnson
Talks about:
program (4) perspect (3) cours (3) undergradu (2) laboratori (2) introduct (2) student (2) onlin (2) linux (2) test (2)
Person: Alessio Gaspar
DBLP: Gaspar:Alessio
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- SIGITE-2013-GasparLBB #linux #online #student
- Student perspective on an online asynchronous introduction to linux based on user-first pedagogy (AG, SL, NRB, CB), pp. 23–28.
- SIGITE-2013-GasparLBT #overview #programming #student #testing #using
- A preliminary review of undergraduate programming students’ perspectives on writing tests, working with others, & using peer testing (AG, SL, NRB, RT), pp. 109–114.
- SIGITE-2012-JohnsonAGBB #linux #multi #overview #taxonomy
- Multi-perspective survey of the relevance of the revised bloom’s taxonomy to an introduction to linux course (GKJ, WDA, AG, NRB, CB), pp. 105–110.
- SIGITE-2009-ArmitageBLG #agile #challenge #online #problem
- Rapid conversion of an IT degree program to online delivery: impact, problems, solutions and challenges (WDA, NRB, SL, AG), pp. 100–107.
- SIGITE-2008-BoyerLG #education #programming
- Self direction & constructivism in programming education (NRB, SL, AG), pp. 89–94.
- SIGITE-2007-ArmitageGR #network
- Remotely accessible sandboxed environment with application to a laboratory course in networking (WDA, AG, MR), pp. 83–90.
- SIGITE-2007-GasparL #programming
- Restoring “coding with intention” in introductory programming courses (AG, SL), pp. 91–98.
- ITiCSE-2006-GasparGS #operating system
- SOFTICE undergraduate operating systems laboratories (AG, CG, JS), p. 354.