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Open Knowledge
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Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Italy
1 × United Kingdom
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
E.Baumer E.P.S.Baumer T.A.Alspaugh J.Sinclair M.Sueyoshi N.Amsel Z.Ibrahim A.Malik Man Lok Yau M.S.Silberman D.J.Patterson Y.Pan E.Blevis
Talks about:
sustain (2) softwar (2) agent (2) activ (2) blog (2) use (2) metamucil (1) distribut (1) communiti (1) scenario (1)

Person: Bill Tomlinson

DBLP DBLP: Tomlinson:Bill

Contributed to:

CHI 20122012
CHI 20112011
ICSE 20112011
CHI 20102010
CHI 20082008
SOFTVIS 20062006
AIIDE 20052005
AIIDE 20062006

Wrote 8 papers:

CHI-2012-TomlinsonSPPB #human-computer
Collapse informatics: augmenting the sustainability & ICT4D discourse in HCI (BT, MSS, DJP, YP, EB), pp. 655–664.
CHI-2011-BaumerT #analysis #distributed #process #video
Comparing activity theory with distributed cognition for video analysis: beyond “kicking the tires” (EPSB, BT), pp. 133–142.
ICSE-2011-AmselIMT #re-engineering #towards
Toward sustainable software engineering (NA, ZI, AM, BT), pp. 976–979.
America is like Metamucil: fostering critical and creative thinking about metaphor in political blogs (EPSB, JS, BT), pp. 1437–1446.
CHI-2008-BaumerST #process
Exploring the role of the reader in the activity of blogging (EB, MS, BT), pp. 1111–1120.
SOFTVIS-2006-AlspaughTB #social #using #visualisation
Using social agents to visualize software scenarios (TAA, BT, EB), pp. 87–94.
AIIDE-2005-Tomlinson #behaviour #design #interactive
Negative Behavior Space in the Design of Interactive Agents (BT), pp. 129–134.
AIIDE-2006-BaumerTYA #community
Normative Echoes: Use and Manipulation of Player Generated Content by Communities of NPCs (EB, BT, MLY, TAA), pp. 139–140.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.