Travelled to:
1 × Germany
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Höreth ∅ H.Hinrichsen G.Ritter
Talks about:
automat (2) verif (2) resynthesi (1) synthesi (1) descript (1) schedul (1) hardwar (1) complex (1) result (1) extens (1)
Person: Hans Eveking
DBLP: Eveking:Hans
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DATE-1999-EvekingHR #automation #scheduling #synthesis #verification
- Automatic Verification of Scheduling Results in High-Level Synthesis (HE, HH, GR), pp. 59–64.
- DAC-1993-EvekingH #optimisation
- Optimization and Resynthesis of Complex Data-Paths (HE, SH), pp. 637–641.
- CAV-1990-Eveking #automation #hardware #verification
- Automatic Verification of Extensions of Hardware Descriptions (HE), pp. 2–12.