Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Hungary
1 × Italy
1 × Poland
1 × Portugal
1 × Switzerland
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
K.Suenaga N.Hoshino K.Muroya B.Jacobs T.Akazaki A.Yoshimizu C.Faggian U.D.Lago Y.Kawabe H.Sekine A.Sokolova T.Uustalu M.Waga É.André Z.Zhang P.Arcaini Shunsuke Shimizu C.Cîrstea
Talks about:
system (5) coalgebra (4) geometri (4) hybrid (4) interact (3) model (3) time (3) nonstandard (2) quantum (2) memory (2)
Person: Ichiro Hasuo
DBLP: Hasuo:Ichiro
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- CAV-2015-AkazakiH #hybrid #robust
- Time Robustness in MTL and Expressivity in Hybrid System Falsification (TA, IH), pp. 356–374.
- ESOP-2014-YoshimizuHFL #higher-order #metric #proving #quantum
- Measurements in Proof Nets as Higher-Order Quantum Circuits (AY, IH, CF, UDL), pp. 371–391.
- LICS-CSL-2014-HoshinoMH #algebra #component #geometry #interactive
- Memoryful geometry of interaction: from coalgebraic components to algebraic effects (NH, KM, IH), p. 10.
- LICS-CSL-2014-LagoFHY #geometry
- The geometry of synchronization (UDL, CF, IH, AY), p. 10.
- POPL-2013-SuenagaSH #modelling #standard
- Hyperstream processing systems: nonstandard modeling of continuous-time signals (KS, HS, IH), pp. 417–430.
- CAV-2012-HasuoS #hybrid #standard #static analysis
- Exercises in Nonstandard Static Analysis of Hybrid Systems (IH, KS), pp. 462–478.
- ICALP-v2-2011-SuenagaH #hybrid #modelling #programming
- Programming with Infinitesimals: A While-Language for Hybrid System Modeling (KS, IH), pp. 392–403.
- LICS-2011-HasuoH #geometry #higher-order #interactive #quantum #semantics
- Semantics of Higher-Order Quantum Computation via Geometry of Interaction (IH, NH), pp. 237–246.
- FoSSaCS-2008-HasuoJS #algebra #concurrent
- The Microcosm Principle and Concurrency in Coalgebra (IH, BJ, AS), pp. 246–260.
- ESOP-2007-HasuoK #algebra #probability #simulation
- Probabilistic Anonymity Via Coalgebraic Simulations (IH, YK), pp. 379–394.
- ICALP-2007-HasuoJU #category theory
- Categorical Views on Computations on Trees (IH, BJ, TU), pp. 619–630.
- CAV-2019-WagaAH #monitoring #parametricity #specification
- Symbolic Monitoring Against Specifications Parametric in Time and Data (MW, ÉA, IH), pp. 520–539.
- CAV-2019-ZhangHA #hybrid #multi
- Multi-armed Bandits for Boolean Connectives in Hybrid System Falsification (ZZ, IH, PA), pp. 401–420.
- POPL-2016-HasuoSC #algebra #metric #model checking
- Lattice-theoretic progress measures and coalgebraic model checking (IH, SS, CC), pp. 718–732.
- POPL-2016-MuroyaHH #geometry #interactive #recursion
- Memoryful geometry of interaction II: recursion and adequacy (KM, NH, IH), pp. 748–760.