Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.E.Thomas E.M.Dirkes R.A.Walker J.A.Nestor R.L.Blackburn
Talks about:
workbench (1) architect (1) synthesi (1) system (1) delay (1) decis (1) bind (1)
Person: Jayanth V. Rajan
DBLP: Rajan:Jayanth_V=
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DAC-1988-ThomasDWRNB #architecture
- The System Architect’s Workbench (DET, EMD, RAW, JVR, JAN, RLB), pp. 337–343.
- DAC-1985-RajanT #synthesis
- Synthesis by delayed binding of decisions (JVR, DET), pp. 367–373.