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Collaborated with:
Roger Altizer M.Mateas Clara Fernández-Vara John Sharp Noriko Tomuro C. Thi Nguyen Jeff L. Nay Karen Schrier Miguel Sicart Amanda Ladd Terris Johnson S.Björk Chris Lewis 0002 Brian Hochhalter Nolan Lichti David Thomas Margaret Robertson Ian Bogost William Huber
Talks about:
game (14) ethic (5) videogam (4) pitch (3) educ (3) understand (2) framework (2) industri (2) violenc (2) practic (2)

Person: José Pablo Zagal

DBLP DBLP: Zagal:Jos=eacute=_Pablo

Facilitated 2 volumes:

DiGRA 2014Ed
FDG 2015Ed

Contributed to:

DiGRA 20052005
DiGRA 20072007
DiGRA 20092009
FDG 20092009
DiGRA 20112011
DiGRA 20132013
FDG 20132013
DiGRA 20142014
FDG 20142014
CHI PLAY 20152015
DiGRA/FDG 20162016
DiGRA 20172017
FDG 20172017

Wrote 18 papers:

DiGRA-2005-VaraZM #evolution #game studies
Evolution Of Space Configuration In Videogames (CFV, JPZ, MM).
DiGRA-2005-ZagalMFHL #analysis #game studies #ontology #towards
Towards an Ontological Language for Game Analysis (JPZ, MM, CFV, BH, NL).
DiGRA-2007-ZagalM #analysis #framework #game studies
Temporal Frames: A Unifying Framework for the Analysis of Game Temporality (JPZ, MM).
DiGRA-2009-ThomasZRBH #game studies
You Played That? Game Studies Meets Game Criticism (DT, JPZ, MR, IB, WH).
DiGRA-2009-Zagal #game studies
Ethically Notable Videogames: Moral Dilemmas and Gameplay (JPZ).
DiGRA-2009-ZagalSS #game studies #named
Workshop: Ethics in Videogames [Extended Abstracts] (JPZ, KS, MS).
FDG-2009-ZagalLJ #comprehension #game studies
Characterizing and understanding game reviews (JPZ, AL, TJ), pp. 215–222.
DiGRA-2011-ZagalS #education #game studies #overview #source code
A Survey of Final Project Courses in Game Programs: Considerations for Teaching Capstone (JPZ, JS).
DiGRA-2013-Zagal #comprehension #education #game studies
Understanding Japanese Games Education (JPZ).
FDG-2013-ZagalB0 #design #game studies
Dark patterns in the design of games (JPZ, SB, CL0), pp. 39–46.
FDG-2013-ZagalT #case study #difference #game studies
Cultural differences in game appreciation: A study of player game reviews (JPZ, NT), pp. 86–93.
DiGRA-2014-AltizerZ #design #education #industrial
Designing Inside the Box or Pitching Practices in Industry and Education (RA, JPZ).
FDG-2014-AltizerZ #education #game studies #industrial
Pitch perfect or exploring pitching practices in industry and games education (RA, JPZ).
Examining 'RPG elements': Systems of character progression (JPZ, RA).
CHI-PLAY-2015-ZagalA #challenge #development #game studies
Placeholder Content in Game Development: Benefits and Challenges (JPZ, RA), pp. 745–750.
DiGRA-FDG-2016-NguyenZ #contest #game studies #multi
Good Violence, Bad Violence: The Ethics of Competition in Multiplayer Games (CTN, JPZ).
DiGRA-2017-Zagal #framework #game studies
War Ethics: A Framework for Analyzing Videogames (JPZ).
FDG-2017-NayZ #game studies
Meaning without consequence: virtue ethics and inconsequential choices in games (JLN, JPZ), p. 8.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.