Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
Collaborated with:
S.Purpura V.Schwanda W.Stubler P.Sengers E.P.S.Baumer P.Adams V.D.Khovanskaya T.C.Liao M.E.Smith V.S.Sosik
Talks about:
technolog (1) facebook (1) behavior (1) practic (1) persuas (1) healthi (1) weight (1) promot (1) explor (1) experi (1)
Person: Kaiton Williams
DBLP: Williams:Kaiton
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CHI-2013-BaumerAKLSSW #case study #experience #facebook
- Limiting, leaving, and (re)lapsing: an exploration of facebook non-use practices and experiences (EPSB, PA, VDK, TCL, MES, VSS, KW), pp. 3257–3266.
- CHI-2011-PurpuraSWSS #behaviour #design #named #persuasion
- Fit4life: the design of a persuasive technology promoting healthy behavior and ideal weight (SP, VS, KW, WS, PS), pp. 423–432.