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Travelled to:
1 × Australia
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1 × Singapore
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
11 × USA
3 × China
Collaborated with:
R.Jin J.P.Callan D.Zhang Q.Wang D.Hong S.Cetintas Y.Fang Z.Zhang J.Callan J.Y.Chai Y.Liu J.Ko A.P.Mathur H.Yang M.Wang B.Shen J.He R.D.Lawrence N.Zhang Y.Zhang X.Yuan S.Cooper Y.J.Nam C.He F.Wang J.Wang H.Yuan W.Jiang J.Li E.Nyberg L.Ruan L.Cen E.C.Dragut M.Ouzzani M.Rogati Y.P.Xin C.Hord J.Montgomery D.A.Evans C.Zhai P.Ogilvie A.G.Hauptmann D.Chen Z.Datbayev N.Somasundaram P.Bracke M.Witt T.Juchcinski Y.Lu X.Quan L.Dai J.Wang D.Song L.Liao C.Lin
Talks about:
model (18) search (14) select (7) result (7) inform (7) filter (7) learn (7) resourc (6) feder (6) hash (6)

Person: Luo Si


Contributed to:

SIGIR 20152015
CIKM 20142014
SIGIR 20142014
CIKM 20132013
ICML c3 20132013
SIGIR 20132013
CIKM 20122012
ITiCSE 20122012
SIGIR 20122012
KDD 20112011
SIGIR 20112011
SIGIR 20102010
CIKM 20092009
EDM 20092009
SIGIR 20092009
SIGIR 20082008
SIGIR 20072007
ICML 20052005
SIGIR 20052005
CIKM 20042004
SIGIR 20042004
CIKM 20032003
ICML 20032003
SIGIR 20032003
CIKM 20022002
SIGIR 20022002
CIKM 20012001

Wrote 47 papers:

SIGIR-2015-WangSWZSLL #cumulative #recommendation
An Entity Class-Dependent Discriminative Mixture Model for Cumulative Citation Recommendation (JW, DS, QW, ZZ, LS, LL, CYL), pp. 635–644.
CIKM-2014-WangSZS #performance #scalability #semantics #similarity
Sparse Semantic Hashing for Efficient Large Scale Similarity Search (QW, BS, ZZ, LS), pp. 1899–1902.
SIGIR-2014-SiY #information retrieval #privacy #security
Privacy-preserving IR: when information retrieval meets privacy and security (LS, HY), p. 1295.
Active hashing with joint data example and tag selection (QW, LS, ZZ, NZ), pp. 405–414.
SIGIR-2014-ZhangWRS #performance #recommendation
Preference preserving hashing for efficient recommendation (ZZ, QW, LR, LS), pp. 183–192.
SIGIR-2014-ZhangZSLWY #online
Cross-domain and cross-category emotion tagging for comments of online news (YZ, NZ, LS, YL, QW, XY), pp. 627–636.
CIKM-2013-WangZS #performance #scalability #similarity
Weighted hashing for fast large scale similarity search (QW, DZ, LS), pp. 1185–1188.
ICML-c3-2013-ZhangHSL #learning #multi #named
MILEAGE: Multiple Instance LEArning with Global Embedding (DZ, JH, LS, RDL), pp. 82–90.
SIGIR-2013-CenDSO #adaptation #ambiguity #clustering
Author disambiguation by hierarchical agglomerative clustering with adaptive stopping criterion (LC, ECD, LS, MO), pp. 741–744.
Search result diversification in resource selection for federated search (DH, LS), pp. 613–622.
SIGIR-2013-WangZS #modelling #semantics #topic #using
Semantic hashing using tags and topic modeling (QW, DZ, LS), pp. 213–222.
CIKM-2012-FangS #approach #feedback #learning #recommendation
A latent pairwise preference learning approach for recommendation from implicit feedback (YF, LS), pp. 2567–2570.
ITiCSE-2012-CooperNS #using
Initial results of using an intelligent tutoring system with Alice (SC, YJN, LS), pp. 138–143.
SIGIR-2012-HongS #algorithm #multi #retrieval
Mixture model with multiple centralized retrieval algorithms for result merging in federated search (DH, LS), pp. 821–830.
SIGIR-2012-ZhangFQDSY #classification #online
Emotion tagging for comments of online news by meta classification with heterogeneous information sources (YZ, YF, XQ, LD, LS, XY), pp. 1059–1060.
KDD-2011-ZhangHLSL #approach #learning #multi #scalability
Multi-view transfer learning with a large margin approach (DZ, JH, YL, LS, RDL), pp. 1208–1216.
KDD-2011-ZhangLS #learning
Serendipitous learning: learning beyond the predefined label space (DZ, YL, LS), pp. 1343–1351.
SIGIR-2011-CetintasCSSD #modelling #online #probability
Forecasting counts of user visits for online display advertising with probabilistic latent class models (SC, DC, LS, BS, ZD), pp. 1217–1218.
SIGIR-2011-CetintasRSF #identification #modelling #network #people #probability #social
Identifying similar people in professional social networks with discriminative probabilistic models (SC, MR, LS, YF), pp. 1209–1210.
SIGIR-2011-FangSSKM #analysis #query
Analysis of an expert search query log (YF, NS, LS, JK, APM), pp. 1189–1190.
A weighted curve fitting method for result merging in federated search (CH, DH, LS), pp. 1177–1178.
SIGIR-2011-SiJ #information retrieval #machine learning
Machine learning for information retrieval (LS, RJ), pp. 1293–1294.
SIGIR-2011-ZhangWS #multi
Composite hashing with multiple information sources (DZ, FW, LS), pp. 225–234.
SIGIR-2011-ZhangWS11a #clustering #documentation
Document clustering with universum (DZ, JW, LS), pp. 873–882.
SIGIR-2010-FangSM #documentation #modelling
Discriminative models of integrating document evidence and document-candidate associations for expert search (YF, LS, APM), pp. 683–690.
SIGIR-2010-HongSBWJ #classification #probability
A joint probabilistic classification model for resource selection (DH, LS, PB, MW, TJ), pp. 98–105.
CIKM-2009-CetintasSY #learning #query
Learning from past queries for resource selection (SC, LS, HY), pp. 1867–1870.
EDM-2009-CetintasSXH #correctness #low level #predict #problem
Predicting Correctness of Problem Solving from Low-level Log Data in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (SC, LS, YPX, CH), pp. 230–239.
SIGIR-2009-ZhangS #modelling
Modeling search response time (DZ, LS), pp. 730–731.
SIGIR-2008-WangS #modelling #probability #retrieval
Discriminative probabilistic models for passage based retrieval (MW, LS), pp. 419–426.
SIGIR-2007-CetintasS #effectiveness #performance #trade-off
Exploration of the tradeoff between effectiveness and efficiency for results merging in federated search (SC, LS), pp. 707–708.
SIGIR-2007-JiangSL #privacy
Protecting source privacy in federated search (WJ, LS, JL), pp. 761–762.
SIGIR-2007-KoNS #probability #ranking #visual notation
A probabilistic graphical model for joint answer ranking in question answering (JK, EN, LS), pp. 343–350.
ICML-2005-JinCS #information retrieval #using
Learn to weight terms in information retrieval using category information (RJ, JYC, LS), pp. 353–360.
SIGIR-2005-SiC #effectiveness #modelling
Modeling search engine effectiveness for federated search (LS, JC), pp. 83–90.
CIKM-2004-SiC #framework
Unified utility maximization framework for resource selection (LS, JPC), pp. 32–41.
CIKM-2004-SiJ #collaboration #exponential
Unified filtering by combining collaborative filtering and content-based filtering via mixture model and exponential model (LS, RJ), pp. 156–157.
SIGIR-2004-JinCS #automation #collaboration
An automatic weighting scheme for collaborative filtering (RJ, JYC, LS), pp. 337–344.
SIGIR-2004-JinS #case study #collaboration #normalisation
A study of methods for normalizing user ratings in collaborative filtering (RJ, LS), pp. 568–569.
SIGIR-2004-MontgomerySCE #analysis #documentation #empirical #feedback
Effect of varying number of documents in blind feedback: analysis of the 2003 NRRC RIA workshop “bf_numdocs” experiment suite (JM, LS, JC, DAE), pp. 476–477.
CIKM-2003-JinSZC #collaboration #modelling
Collaborative filtering with decoupled models for preferences and ratings (RJ, LS, CZ, JPC), pp. 309–316.
ICML-2003-SiJ #collaboration #flexibility
Flexible Mixture Model for Collaborative Filtering (LS, RJ), pp. 704–711.
SIGIR-2003-SiC #documentation #estimation
Relevant document distribution estimation method for resource selection (LS, JPC), pp. 298–305.
CIKM-2002-SiJCO #framework #modelling
A language modeling framework for resource selection and results merging (LS, RJ, JPC, PO), pp. 391–397.
SIGIR-2002-JinSHC #information retrieval #using
Language model for IR using collection information (RJ, LS, AGH, JPC), pp. 419–420.
SIGIR-2002-SiC #using
Using sampled data and regression to merge search engine results (LS, JPC), pp. 19–26.
CIKM-2001-SiC #readability #statistics
A Statistical Model for Scientific Readability (LS, JPC), pp. 574–576.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.