Travelled to:
1 × Finland
1 × Germany
1 × Portugal
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Belgium
2 × Canada
2 × France
2 × Hungary
2 × Italy
Collaborated with:
A.R.Fasolino D.Amalfitano G.A.D.Lucca G.Canfora G.Frattolillo ∅ S.D.Carmine F.Pace U.d.Carlini A.Polcaro C.A.Visaggio A.M.Memon G.Imparato G.D.Lorenzo L.Melcarne V.Vittorini V.Maggio G.D.Mare F.Ferrara S.Scala
Talks about:
web (12) applic (11) revers (4) engin (4) interact (3) system (3) servic (3) migrat (3) legaci (3) techniqu (2)
Person: Porfirio Tramontana
DBLP: Tramontana:Porfirio
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- CSMR-WCRE-2014-AmalfitanoFMTMFS #architecture #case study #industrial #legacy #migration #mvc #web
- Migrating legacy spreadsheets-based systems to Web MVC architecture: An industrial case study (DA, ARF, VM, PT, GDM, FF, SS), pp. 387–390.
- ASE-2012-AmalfitanoFTCM #android #automation #testing #user interface #using
- Using GUI ripping for automated testing of Android applications (DA, ARF, PT, SDC, AMM), pp. 258–261.
- ICSM-2012-AmalfitanoFTCI #android #testing #tool support #user interface
- A toolset for GUI testing of Android applications (DA, ARF, PT, SDC, GI), pp. 650–653.
- ICPC-2010-AmalfitanoFPT #ajax #comprehension #named #web
- DynaRIA: A Tool for Ajax Web Application Comprehension (DA, ARF, AP, PT), pp. 46–47.
- ICSM-2009-AmalfitanoFT #behaviour #internet #modelling #reverse engineering
- Experimenting a reverse engineering technique for modelling the behaviour of rich internet applications (DA, ARF, PT), pp. 571–574.
- WCRE-2008-AmalfitanoFT #finite #internet #reverse engineering #state machine
- Reverse Engineering Finite State Machines from Rich Internet Applications (DA, ARF, PT), pp. 69–73.
- ICSM-2007-LuccaFT #classification #concept analysis #using #web
- Web Pages Classification using Concept Analysis (GADL, ARF, PT), pp. 385–394.
- WCRE-2007-LorenzoFMTV #web #web service
- Turning Web Applications into Web Services by Wrapping Techniques (GDL, ARF, LM, PT, VV), pp. 199–208.
- CSMR-2006-CanforaFFT #interactive #legacy #migration #web #web service
- Migrating Interactive Legacy Systems To Web Services (GC, ARF, GF, PT), pp. 24–36.
- CSMR-2006-CanforaFFT06a #flexibility #interactive #legacy #migration #web #web service
- A Flexible Wrapper For The Migration Of Interactive Legacy System To Web Services (GC, ARF, GF, PT), pp. 347–344.
- CSMR-2005-LuccaFT #design pattern #interactive #web
- Recovering Interaction Design Patterns in Web Applications (GADL, ARF, PT), pp. 366–374.
- ICSM-2005-Tramontana #reverse engineering #web
- Reverse Engineering Web Applications (PT), pp. 705–708.
- CSMR-2004-LuccaFTV #maintenance #towards #web
- Towards the Definition of a Maintainability Model for Web Applications (GADL, ARF, PT, CAV), pp. 279–287.
- CSMR-2002-LuccaFPTC #named #reverse engineering #web
- WARE: A Tool for the Reverse Engineering of Web Applications (GADL, ARF, FP, PT, UdC), pp. 241–250.
- IWPC-2002-LuccaFPTC #approach #clustering #web
- Comprehending Web Applications by a Clustering Based Approach (GADL, ARF, FP, PT, UdC), pp. 261–270.