35 papers:
ASE-2014-HamidiAL #adaptation #using- Constructing adaptive configuration dialogs using crowd data (SH, PA, SL), pp. 485–490.
HCI-AIMT-2014-BomsdorfB #3d #design #interactive #prototype- Early Prototyping of 3D-Gesture Interaction within the Presentation-Gesture-Dialog Design Space (BB, RB), pp. 12–23.
HCI-AMTE-2013-BratMP #interactive #model checking #semantics- V&V of Lexical, Syntactic and Semantic Properties for Interactive Systems through Model Checking of Formal Description of Dialog (GB, CM, PAP), pp. 290–299.
HIMI-HSM-2013-HirayamaKK #speech #user interface #visual notation- A Dialog Based Speech User Interface of a Makeup Support System for Visually Impaired Persons (MJH, NK, YK), pp. 261–268.
CHI-2011-HendyLBM #parametricity- Parameter selection in keyboard-based dialog boxes (JCH, JL, KSB, JM), pp. 2761–2764.
CHI-2010-BohmeK #empirical- Trained to accept?: a field experiment on consent dialogs (RB, SK), pp. 2403–2406.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-KralC #automation #corpus #web- Automatic Dialog Act Corpus Creation from Web Pages (PK, CC), pp. 198–203.
CHI-2009-BergstromK #clustering #human-computer #topic- Conversation clusters: grouping conversation topics through human-computer dialog (TB, KK), pp. 2349–2352.
HCI-NIMT-2009-CaffiauGGS #design #interactive- Hierarchical Structure: A Step for Jointly Designing Interactive Software Dialog and Task Model (SC, PG, LG, DLS), pp. 664–673.
HCI-NT-2009-KleindienstCL #evaluation #named #towards- ADiEU: Toward Domain-Based Evaluation of Spoken Dialog Systems (JK, JC, ML), pp. 287–294.
HIMI-II-2009-SchwarzlerRWR #modelling #using #visual notation- Using Graphical Models for an Intelligent Mixed-Initiative Dialog Management System (SS, GR, FW, GR), pp. 201–209.
IDGD-2009-Sun #design- Designing for a Dialogic View of Interpretation in Cross-Cultural IT Design (HS), pp. 108–116.
SAC-2009-MullerK #interactive #visual notation- Attention driven visual processing for an interactive dialog robot (TM, AK), pp. 1151–1155.
CHI-2008-DixonGC #parametricity #performance- Optimal parameters for efficient crossing-based dialog boxes (MD, FG, NC), pp. 1623–1632.
CHI-2008-LohrB #interactive #speech #user interface #visual notation- Mixed-initiative dialog management for speech-based interaction with graphical user interfaces (AL, BB), pp. 979–988.
EDOC-2008-KavimandanKG #automation #enterprise #model transformation #synthesis #using #workflow- Automated Context-Sensitive Dialog Synthesis for Enterprise Workflows Using Templatized Model Transformations (AK, RK, ASG), pp. 159–168.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-LoiselCK #design #human-computer #interactive #modelling- Modeling Human Interaction to Design a Human-Computer Dialog System (AL, NC, JPK), pp. 227–232.
HCI-IDU-2007-Lopez-JaqueroM #modelling- Comprehensive Task and Dialog Modelling (VLJ, FMS), pp. 1149–1158.
HCI-IDU-2007-WurdelFRS- Patterns for Task- and Dialog-Modeling (MW, PF, TR, DS), pp. 1226–1235.
SIGIR-2006-LinWDA- Exploring the limits of single-iteration clarification dialogs (JJL, PW, DDF, EGA), pp. 469–476.
CBSE-2005-AkolkarFHKRRUV #agile #component #development #framework #reuse- Reusable Dialog Component Framework for Rapid Voice Application Development (RPA, TAF, JMH, PK, NR, TVR, RU, AV), pp. 306–321.
ASE-2004-BookG #automation #modelling- Modeling Web-Based Dialog Flows for Automatic Dialog Control (MB, VG), pp. 100–109.
ICEIS-v2-2003-MadeiraMM #multi #named- Star — A Multiple Domain Dialog Manager (PM, MM, NJM), pp. 490–494.
ITiCSE-2002-DaleBBK #education- A dialog between authors and teachers (NBD, JB, DJB, CWK), pp. 44–45.
WCRE-2001-El-RamlyISSM #interactive #modelling #using- Modeling the System-User Dialog Using Interaction Traces (MER, PI, ES, PGS, BM), p. 208–?.
SAC-1996-Wedekind #component #workflow- Extending workflow-management-systems by a dialogical component (HW), pp. 150–157.
CHI-1994-OlsenH94a #automation #consistency #generative- Automatic generation of interactively consistent search dialogs (DRO, WH), pp. 218–224.
HCI-SHI-1993-MalinowskiKDS #adaptation #user interface- Computer-Aided Adaptation of User Interfaces with Menus and Dialog Boxes (UM, TK, HD, MSH), pp. 122–127.
HCI-SHI-1993-Page #interface- Selecting Colors for Dialog Boxes and Buttons in a Text Interface (SRP), pp. 208–213.
CHI-1991-MorchG #concept #named- JANUS: basic concepts and sample dialog (AIM, AG), pp. 457–458.
CHI-1990-Olsen- Propositional production systems for dialog description (DROJ), pp. 57–64.
CHI-1990-ZandenM #automation #independence #user interface #visual notation- Automatic, look-and-feel independent dialog creation for graphical user interfaces (BTVZ, BAM), pp. 27–34.
CAiSE-1989-RouilleBC #specification- A Generic Model for Dialog Specification (LR, PB, AC).
HCI-CE-1987-StelovskyC #towards- Towards Portability of Dialog Systems (JS, PC), pp. 83–88.
VLDB-1986-Keller- Choosing a View Update Translator by Dialog at View Definition Time (AMK), pp. 467–474.