59 papers:
ICML-2015-NarayanPA #metaprogramming- α-β Divergences Discover Micro and Macro Structures in Data (KSN, AP, PA), pp. 796–804.
KDD-2015-SatoN #online #probability- Stochastic Divergence Minimization for Online Collapsed Variational Bayes Zero Inference of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (IS, HN), pp. 1035–1044.
DUXU-DI-2014-IuliucciR #interactive- Cultural Divergence in Website Interaction Spanish vs. English (NI, AR), pp. 127–138.
CIKM-2014-LvZ #feedback- Revisiting the Divergence Minimization Feedback Model (YL, CZ), pp. 1863–1866.
ICML-c1-2014-SinghP #difference #estimation #exponential- Generalized Exponential Concentration Inequality for Renyi Divergence Estimation (SS, BP), pp. 333–341.
ICML-c2-2014-KrishnamurthyKPW #estimation #parametricity- Nonparametric Estimation of Renyi Divergence and Friends (AK, KK, BP, LAW), pp. 919–927.
ICML-c2-2014-YangPK #equivalence #optimisation- Optimization Equivalence of Divergences Improves Neighbor Embedding (ZY, JP, SK), pp. 460–468.
ICPR-2014-BaiBH #graph #kernel- An Attributed Graph Kernel from the Jensen-Shannon Divergence (LB, HB, ERH), pp. 88–93.
ICPR-2014-LiYSC #image- A New Divergence Measure Based on Arimoto Entropy for Medical Image Registration (BL, GY, HS, JLC), pp. 3197–3202.
ICPR-2014-RahmanHZ #detection- Information Divergence Based Saliency Detection with a Global Center-Surround Mechanism (IMHR, CH, MZ), pp. 3428–3433.
ICPR-2014-SamantaC #classification #using- Indian Classical Dance Classification on Manifold Using Jensen-Bregman LogDet Divergence (SS, BC), pp. 4507–4512.
SAC-2014-Cooper #android #detection #research #student- Student research abstract: android malware detection based on Kullback-Leibler divergence (VNC), pp. 1695–1696.
CC-2014-AnantpurG #control flow- Taming Control Divergence in GPUs through Control Flow Linearization (JA, RG), pp. 133–153.
HPCA-2014-XiangYZ- Warp-level divergence in GPUs: Characterization, impact, and mitigation (PX, YY, HZ), pp. 284–295.
ICALP-v2-2013-BartheO #composition #difference #logic #privacy #probability #relational #source code #theorem- Beyond Differential Privacy: Composition Theorems and Relational Logic for f-divergences between Probabilistic Programs (GB, FO), pp. 49–60.
ICML-c3-2013-SimsekliCY #learning #matrix #modelling- Learning the β-Divergence in Tweedie Compound Poisson Matrix Factorization Models (US, ATC, YKY), pp. 1409–1417.
SIGIR-2013-DeveaudSB #topic- Estimating topical context by diverging from external resources (RD, ES, PB), pp. 1001–1004.
TAP-2013-StokkinkTS- Divergent Quiescent Transition Systems (WGJS, MT, MS), pp. 214–231.
SIGMOD-2012-ConsensILP #database #design #physics- Divergent physical design tuning for replicated databases (MPC, KI, JL, NP), pp. 49–60.
CSMR-2012-NonnenI #identification #monitoring- Identifying Knowledge Divergence by Vocabulary Monitoring in Software Projects (JN, PI), pp. 441–446.
ICML-2012-RudermanRGP #metric #probability #strict- Tighter Variational Representations of f-Divergences via Restriction to Probability Measures (AR, MDR, DGG, JP), p. 151.
ICPR-2012-HuangA #analysis #detection #perspective- Saliency detection via divergence analysis: A unified perspective (JBH, NA), pp. 2748–2751.
ICPR-2012-Nielsen #statistics- Closed-form information-theoretic divergences for statistical mixtures (FN), pp. 1723–1726.
ICPR-2012-NielsenLYV #matrix- Jensen divergence based SPD matrix means and applications (FN, ML, XY, BCV), pp. 2841–2844.
ICPR-2012-XuLYWSL- Key frame selection based on Jensen-Rényi divergence (QX, XL, ZY, JW, MS, JL), pp. 1892–1895.
ICPR-2012-ZhouVZV #estimation #multi #robust- Robust multiple model estimation with Jensen-Shannon Divergence (KZ, KMV, MZ, MV), pp. 2136–2139.
KDD-2012-LiLP #coordination #performance #using- Fast bregman divergence NMF using taylor expansion and coordinate descent (LL, GL, HP), pp. 307–315.
ICDAR-2011-WakaharaY #invariant #recognition- Affine-Invariant Recognition of Handwritten Characters via Accelerated KL Divergence Minimization (TW, YY), pp. 1095–1099.
FM-2011-ChenLW #communication #process #refinement- Failure-Divergence Refinement of Compensating Communicating Processes (ZC, ZL, JW), pp. 262–277.
ICML-2011-Garcia-GarciaLS- Risk-Based Generalizations of f-divergences (DGG, UvL, RSR), pp. 417–424.
DATE-2010-GiraldoMJM #hardware #using- A HMMER hardware accelerator using divergences (JFEG, NM, RPJ, ACMAdM), pp. 405–410.
ICML-2010-AsuncionLIS- Particle Filtered MCMC-MLE with Connections to Contrastive Divergence (AUA, QL, ATI, PS), pp. 47–54.
ASE-2009-LinTCZ #adaptation #approach #java #random testing #source code #testing- A Divergence-Oriented Approach to Adaptive Random Testing of Java Programs (YL, XT, YC, JZ), pp. 221–232.
VLDB-2009-ZhangOPT #similarity #towards- Similarity Search on Bregman Divergence: Towards Non-Metric Indexing (ZZ, BCO, SP, AKHT), pp. 13–24.
IFM-2009-BoitenD #concurrent #modelling #refinement #relational- Modelling Divergence in Relational Concurrent Refinement (EAB, JD), pp. 183–199.
CIKM-2009-AnWZH #database #scalability- Diverging patterns: discovering significant frequency change dissimilarities in large databases (AA, QW, JZ, XH), pp. 1473–1476.
ICML-2009-TielemanH #performance #persistent #using- Using fast weights to improve persistent contrastive divergence (TT, GEH), pp. 1033–1040.
ICML-2008-Cayton #nearest neighbour #performance #retrieval- Fast nearest neighbor retrieval for bregman divergences (LC), pp. 112–119.
SEFM-2007-BabicHRC #proving #termination- Proving Termination by Divergence (DB, AJH, ZR, BC), pp. 93–102.
ECIR-2007-AslamP #estimation #multi #query #using- Query Hardness Estimation Using Jensen-Shannon Divergence Among Multiple Scoring Functions (JAA, VP), pp. 198–209.
SAC-2007-PigeauNG #approximate #image #performance- Fast tracking of hierarchical partitions with approximate kl-divergence for geo-temporal organization of personal images (AP, AN, MG), pp. 1088–1089.
CGO-2007-KimJMP #compilation- Profile-assisted Compiler Support for Dynamic Predication in Diverge-Merge Processors (HK, JAJ, OM, YNP), pp. 367–378.
KDD-2006-LateckiSL- New EM derived from Kullback-Leibler divergence (LJL, MS, RL), pp. 267–276.
ECIR-2004-AbolhassaniF #approach #documentation #xml- Applying the Divergence from Randomness Approach for Content-Only Search in XML Documents (MA, NF), pp. 409–419.
ICALP-2002-LohreyDH #axiom- Axiomatising Divergence (ML, PRD, HH), pp. 585–596.
CIKM-2001-CaiRJ #automation #query- Automatic Query Expansion Based on Divergence (DC, CJvR, JMJ), pp. 419–426.
ICML-2000-ThollardDH #automaton #probability #using- Probabilistic DFA Inference using Kullback-Leibler Divergence and Minimality (FT, PD, CdlH), pp. 975–982.
ICPR-v3-2000-Atae-AllahGMRL #image #metric #segmentation- Image Segmentation by Jensen-Shannon Divergence. Application to Measurement of Interfacial Tension (CAA, JFGL, JMA, RRR, PLLE), pp. 3383–3386.
TACAS-1997-Ben-AbdallahL #detection #process #sequence chart- Syntactic Detection of Process Divergence and Non-local Choice inMessage Sequence Charts (HBA, SL), pp. 259–274.
FME-1997-TejW #csp #higher-order- A Corrected Failure Divergence Model for CSP in Isabelle/HOL (HT, BW), pp. 318–337.
ICPR-1996-CamusCHH #realtime #using- Real-time single-workstation obstacle avoidance using only wide-field flow divergence (TC, DC, MH, THH), pp. 323–330.
ICPR-1996-Rieder- Trinocular divergent stereo vision (AR), pp. 859–863.
ICALP-1995-NatarajanC #testing- Divergence and Fair Testing (VN, RC), pp. 648–659.
CIKM-1994-PuTWY #multi- Multiversion Divergence Control of Time Fuzziness (CP, MKT, KLW, PSY), pp. 195–202.
CADE-1994-Walsh- A Divergence Critic (TW), pp. 14–28.
ALP-1992-Hermann #on the #recursion- On the Relation Between Primitive Recursion, Schematization and Divergence (MH), pp. 115–127.
RTA-1991-Sattler-Klein- Divergence Phenomena during Completion (ASK), pp. 374–385.
LICS-1988-Walker #bisimulation- Bisimulations and Divergence (DJW), pp. 186–192.
RTA-1987-Kirchner #infinity #process #set- Schematization of Infinite Sets of Rewrite Rules. Application to the Divergence of Completion Processes (HK), pp. 180–191.