12 papers:
PDCL-2004-DemoenBHMOS #constraints- Herbrand Constraints in HAL (BD, MJGdlB, WH, KM, DO, PJS), pp. 499–538.
FLOPS-2002-BandaDMS #tutorial- To the Gates of HAL: A HAL Tutorial (MJGdlB, BD, KM, PJS), pp. 47–66.
ICLP-2002-SchrijversBD #analysis- Trailing Analysis for HAL (TS, MJGdlB, BD), pp. 38–53.
ICLP-2001-BandaJMNSH #constraints #theorem proving- Building Constraint Solvers with HAL (MJGdlB, DJ, KM, NN, PJS, CH), pp. 90–104.
CL-2000-BandaSHM #model checking- Model Checking in HAL (MJGdlB, PJS, WH, KM), pp. 1270–1284.
ICLP-1999-DemoenBHMS #constraints #theorem proving- Herbrand Constraint Solving in HAL (BD, MJGdlB, WH, KM, PJS), pp. 260–274.
CAV-1998-FerrariGMPR #mobile #process #verification- Verifying Mobile Processes in the HAL Environment (GLF, SG, UM, MP, GR), pp. 511–515.
CIKM-1997-LeeC- Reducing Match Time Variance in Production Systems with HAL (PyL, AMKC), pp. 309–316.
DAC-1986-PaulinKG #approach #automation #multi #named #synthesis- HAL: a multi-paradigm approach to automatic data path synthesis (PGP, JPK, EFG), pp. 263–270.
DAC-1986-TakasakiSNIK #hardware #logic #simulation- HAL II: a mixed level hardware logic simulation system (ST, TS, NN, HI, NK), pp. 581–587.
DAC-1983-SasakiKOT #hardware #logic #named- HAL: A block level HArdware Logic simulator (TS, NK, KO, KT), pp. 150–156.
SCC-1982-PrattM #experience #semantics- Experience with the Normal Semantic Definition of HAL/S (TWP, GDM), pp. 327–333.