Stem transcript$ (all stems)
45 papers:
DocEng-2015-BanerjeeMS #generative #summary- Generating Abstractive Summaries from Meeting Transcripts (SB, PM, KS), pp. 51–60.
DRR-2015-RabaevCEK #documentation #programming #using- Aligning transcript of historical documents using dynamic programming (IR, RC, JES, KK).
CHI-2015-GaoYHF #automation #collaboration #game studies #how #multi- Improving Multilingual Collaboration by Displaying How Non-native Speakers Use Automated Transcripts and Bilingual Dictionaries (GG, NY, AMJH, SRF), pp. 3463–3472.
SAC-2015-ValenteR #array- Transcript-based reannotation for microarray probesets (EV, MR), pp. 3–9.
CHI-2014-GaoYHEF #automation #communication #multi- Effects of public vs. private automated transcripts on multiparty communication between native and non-native english speakers (GG, NY, AMJH, AE, SRF), pp. 843–852.
DRR-2013-LabbenKB #retrieval- A proposal system for historic Arabic manuscript transcription and retrieval (AL, AK, AB).
ICDAR-2013-HassnerWD- OCR-Free Transcript Alignment (TH, LW, ND), pp. 1310–1314.
ICDAR-2013-Martin-AlboRV #feedback #interactive #online #using- Interactive Off-Line Handwritten Text Transcription Using On-Line Handwritten Text as Feedback (DMA, VR, EV), pp. 1280–1284.
ICDAR-2013-RomeroS13a #evaluation #process- Human Evaluation of the Transcription Process of a Marriage License Book (VR, JAS), pp. 1255–1259.
ICDAR-2013-SankaranNJ #recognition- Devanagari Text Recognition: A Transcription Based Formulation (NS, AN, CVJ), pp. 678–682.
ICML-2012-Boulanger-LewandowskiBV #dependence #generative #modelling #music #sequence- Modeling Temporal Dependencies in High-Dimensional Sequences: Application to Polyphonic Music Generation and Transcription (NBL, YB, PV), p. 244.
ICML-2012-YuSL #network #speech #using- Conversational Speech Transcription Using Context-Dependent Deep Neural Networks (DY, FS, GL), p. 1.
KDIR-2012-LemnaruSVP #classification #documentation #taxonomy- A System for Historical Documents Transcription based on Hierarchical Classification and Dictionary Matching (CL, ASN, MAV, RP), pp. 353–357.
ICDAR-2011-BarbozaLP #automation #documentation #summary #using- Using Readers’ Highlighting on Monochromatic Documents for Automatic Text Transcription and Summarization (RdSB, RDL, VMdSP), pp. 212–216.
ICDAR-2011-FischerIFB #documentation- HMM-Based Alignment of Inaccurate Transcriptions for Historical Documents (AF, EI, VF, HB), pp. 53–57.
ICDAR-2011-GuichardCC #documentation #word- Exploiting Collection Level for Improving Assisted Handwritten Word Transcription of Historical Documents (LG, JC, BC), pp. 875–879.
ICDAR-2011-ZhouYWWNL #random #using- Transcript Mapping for Handwritten Text Lines Using Conditional Random Fields (XDZ, FY, DHW, QFW, MN, CLL), pp. 58–62.
DocEng-2010-TerradesTSRVJ #analysis #documentation #interactive #layout- Interactive layout analysis and transcription systems for historic handwritten documents (ORT, AHT, NS, VR, EV, AJ), pp. 219–222.
CHI-2010-PanJYPQ #automation #communication #comprehension #quality #realtime- Effects of automated transcription quality on non-native speakers’ comprehension in real-time computer-mediated communication (YP, DJ, LY, MP, YQ), pp. 1725–1734.
ICPR-2010-RomeroTV #analysis #corpus #image- Computer Assisted Transcription of Text Images: Results on the GERMANA Corpus and Analysis of Improvements Needed for Practical Use (VR, AHT, EV), pp. 2017–2020.
ICDAR-2009-RomeroTV #feedback #image #using- Using Mouse Feedback in Computer Assisted Transcription of Handwritten Text Images (VR, AHT, EV), pp. 96–100.
CHI-2009-PanJPQ #comprehension #realtime- Effects of real-time transcription on non-native speaker’s comprehension in computer-mediated communications (YP, DJ, MP, YQ), pp. 2353–2356.
CIKM-2009-ParkG #automation #metric #realtime #towards #using- Towards real-time measurement of customer satisfaction using automatically generated call transcripts (YP, SCG), pp. 1387–1396.
DRR-2008-JoseBG #documentation- Transcript mapping for handwritten English documents (DJ, AB, VG), p. 68150.
CHI-2008-MunteanuBP #collaboration #editing #usability- Collaborative editing for improved usefulness and usability of transcript-enhanced webcasts (CM, RB, GP), pp. 373–382.
DRR-2007-LorigoG #documentation- Transcript mapping for handwritten Arabic documents (LML, VG).
ICDAR-2007-ToselliRRV #image- Computer Assisted Transcription of Handwritten Text Images (AHT, VR, LR, EV), pp. 944–948.
ITiCSE-2007-KheirW #realtime #speech #student #using- Inclusion of deaf students in computer science classes using real-time speech transcription (RK, TW), pp. 261–265.
ECIR-2007-SandersonS #documentation- Search of Spoken Documents Retrieves Well Recognized Transcripts (MS, XMS), pp. 505–516.
SIGIR-2007-Haubold #ranking #retrieval #video- Selection and ranking of text from highly imperfect transcripts for retrieval of video content (AH), pp. 791–792.
CHI-2006-BurkeAI #fault- Error correction of voicemail transcripts in SCANMail (MB, BA, PLI), pp. 339–348.
CHI-2006-RanjanBC- Searching in audio: the utility of transcripts, dichotic presentation, and time-compression (AR, RB, MHC), pp. 721–730.
ICDAR-2005-Carrera- Making History: an Emergent System for the Systematic Accrual of Transcriptions of Historic Manuscripts (FC), pp. 543–449.
ICEIS-v2-2005-WindridgeST #information management #representation #taxonomy- Symbolic Knowledge Representation in Transcript Based Taxonomies (PCW, BS, GT), pp. 267–272.
CHI-2003-KlemmerGWL #interface #physics- Books with voices: paper transcripts as a physical interface to oral histories (SRK, JG, GJW, JAL), pp. 89–96.
ICEIS-v4-2003-Oriogun #analysis #case study #online #re-engineering #reliability #using- Content Analysis of Online Interrater Reliability Using the Transcript Reliability Cleaning Percentage (Trcp): A Software Engineering Case Study (PKO), pp. 296–307.
SAC-2003-KwonHN- Inference of Transcriptional Regulation Relationships from Gene Expression Data (ATJK, HHH, RTN), pp. 135–140.
ICPR-v4-2002-IbrahimovSD #analysis #clustering #performance #similarity #topic- The Performance Analysis of a Chi-square Similarity Measure for Topic Related Clustering of Noisy Transcripts (OI, IKS, ND), pp. 285–288.
SAC-2002-HarrisonD #approach- A hypothesis driven approach to condition specific transcription factor binding site characterization in S.c (RH, CD), pp. 151–158.
CIKM-2001-PonceleonS #automation #speech- Automatic Discovery of Salient Segments in Imperfect Speech Transcripts (DBP, SS), pp. 490–497.
SIGIR-2001-PonceleonS #segmentation #speech- Structure and Content-Based Segmentation of Speech Transcripts (DBP, SS), pp. 404–405.
ICPR-v4-2000-WatanabeOIK #analysis #video- Discourse Structure Analysis for News Video by Checking Surface Information in the Transcript (YW, YO, EI, SK), pp. 4242–4245.
SIGIR-1999-JourlinJJW #retrieval #speech- Improving Retrieval on Imperfect Speech Transcriptions (poster abstract) (PJ, SEJ, KSJ, PCW), pp. 283–284.
CHI-1989-JohnN #human-computer #type system- Cumulating the science of HCI: from s-R compatibility to transcription typing (BEJ, AN), pp. 109–114.
SIGFIDET-1970-Bastian70a #validation- Data Validation (transcript) (ALB), pp. 291–312.