Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe: Industrial Benefit of Formal Methods
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Maurice Naftalin, B. Tim Denvir, Miquel Bertran
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe: Industrial Benefit of Formal Methods
FME, 1994.

Full names Links ISxN
	address       = "Barcelona, Spain",
	editor        = "Maurice Naftalin and B. Tim Denvir and Miquel Bertran",
	isbn          = "3-540-58555-9",
	publisher     = "{Springer-Verlag}",
	series        = "{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}",
	title         = "{Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe: Industrial Benefit of Formal Methods}",
	volume        = 873,
	year          = 1994,

Contents (41 items)

FME-1994-BackS #composition
From Action Systems to Modular Systems (RJB, KS), pp. 1–25.
FME-1994-DehboneiM #formal method #industrial
Formal Methods in the Railways Signalling Industry (BD, FM), pp. 26–34.
FME-1994-FitzgeraldBGL #case study #comparative #component #specification
Formal and Informal Specifications of a Secure System Component: first results in a comparative study (JSF, TMB, MAG, PGL), pp. 35–44.
FME-1994-King #formal method
Formalising British Rail’s Signalling Rules (TK), pp. 45–54.
FME-1994-GuttmanJ #formal method
Three Applications of Formal Methods at MITRE (JDG, DMJ), pp. 55–65.
FME-1994-Cherkaoui #analysis #security #specification
Specification and Analysis of a Security Management System (OC), pp. 66–82.
FME-1994-MartinT #verification
Verification Techniques for LOTOS (UM, MT), pp. 83–92.
FME-1994-RitchieBH #automaton #case study #experience #using
Experiences in Using the Abstract Machine Notation in a GKS Case Study (BR, JB, HPH), pp. 93–104.
FME-1994-BowenH #formal method
Seven More Myths of Formal Methods (JPB, MGH), pp. 105–117.
Comparing Approaches to Data Reification (TC), pp. 118–133.
FME-1994-MaungHM #formal method #towards
Towards a Formalization of Programming-by-Difference (IM, JH, RJM), pp. 134–153.
FME-1994-PaechR #automaton #behaviour #concept #modelling #refinement
A new Concept of Refinement used for Behaviour Modelling with Automata (BP, BR), pp. 154–174.
FME-1994-Elvang-GoranssonF #refinement
An Extended VDM Refinement Relation (MEG, REF), pp. 175–189.
FME-1994-Lindsay #on the #verification
On transferring VDM verification techniques to Z (PAL), pp. 190–213.
FME-1994-Ledru #development #specification
Proof-Based Development of Specifications with KIDS/VDM (YL), pp. 214–232.
FME-1994-Larsen #evaluation
Evaluation of Underdetermined Explicit Definitions (PGL), pp. 233–250.
FME-1994-RossL #behaviour #modelling #precise #process
A Precise Examination of the Behaviour of Process Models (KJR, PAL), pp. 251–270.
FME-1994-DukeH #formal method
A Theory of Presentations (DJD, MDH), pp. 271–290.
FME-1994-KeaneSW #concurrent #framework #modelling #process
Applying a Concurrent Formal Framework to Process Modelling (JAK, JS, BW), pp. 291–305.
FME-1994-CordeiroSM #approach #development #eiffel
From MooZ to Eiffel — A Rigorous Approach to System Development (VAOC, AS, SRdLM), pp. 306–325.
FME-1994-MensMS #approach #formal method #named #object-oriented
OPUS: a Formal Approach to Object-Orientation (TM, KM, PS), pp. 326–345.
FME-1994-StoreyH #using
A Strategy for the Production of Verifiable Code Using the B Method (AS, HPH), pp. 346–365.
FME-1994-Evans #concurrent #specification #using #verification
Specifying & Verifying Concurrent Systems Using Z (AE), pp. 366–380.
FME-1994-Collinson #functional #specification
A Critical Look at Functional Specifications (RC), pp. 381–400.
FME-1994-Naftalin #design #refinement
Informal Strategies in Design by Refinement (MN), pp. 401–420.
FME-1994-AnlauffJS #reasoning
An experimental support system for formal mathematical reasoning (MA, SJ, MS), pp. 421–440.
FME-1994-Weber #development
Literate Mathematical Development of a Revision Management System (MW), pp. 441–460.
FME-1994-MossesM #action semantics #concurrent #ml #semantics
An Action Semantics for ML Concurrency Primitives (PDM, MM), pp. 461–479.
FME-1994-Mukherjee #semantics
A Semantics for NewSpeak in VDM-SL (PM), pp. 480–501.
FME-1994-OHalloran #evaluation #semantics
Evaluation Semantics in Z (CO), pp. 502–518.
FME-1994-Jackson #infinity #model checking #specification
Abstract Model Checking of Infinite Specifications (DJ), pp. 519–531.
FME-1994-Seidel #case study #refinement #specification
Case Study: Specification and Refinement of the PI-Bus (KS), pp. 532–546.
FME-1994-ErasmyS #case study #refinement #using
Stepwise Refinement of Control Software — A Case Study Using RAISE (FE, ES), pp. 547–566.
FME-1994-Gortz #safety #specification
Specifying Safety and Progress Properties with RSL (JG), pp. 567–581.
FME-1994-Hansen #validation
Validation of a Railway Interlocking Model (KMH), pp. 582–601.
FME-1994-Simpson #automation #specification
A Formal Specification of an Automatic Train Protection System (AS), pp. 602–617.
FME-1994-Fidge #development #realtime
Adding Real Time to Formal Program Development (CJF), pp. 618–638.
FME-1994-CuellarWB #design #effectiveness #industrial #verification
Combining the Design of Industrial Systems with Effective Verification Techniques (JC, IW, DB), pp. 639–658.
RTL and Refutation by Positive Cycles (FW, AKM), pp. 659–680.
FME-1994-FencottGLOP #algebra #formal method #modelling #process #semantics #using
Formalising the Semantics of Ward/Mellor SA/RT Essential Models using a Process Algebra (PCF, AG, MAL, SJO, SP), pp. 681–702.
FME-1994-Barros #database #relational #source code #specification
Deriving Relational Database Programs from Formal Specifications (RSMdB), pp. 703–723.

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