Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Foutse Khomh, Federica Sarro
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Program Comprehension
ICPC, 2019.
Contents (43 items)
- ICPC-2019-Weimer #question #what
- What goes on in your brain when you read and understand code? (WW), p. 1.
- ICPC-2019-FakhouryRHA #readability #source code #theory and practice
- Improving source code readability: theory and practice (SF, DR, SAH, VA), pp. 2–12.
- ICPC-2019-WieseRKA
- Replicating novices' struggles with coding style (ESW, ANR, DMK, JMA), pp. 13–18.
- ICPC-2019-SantosS #configuration management #dependence #how #question
- How does feature dependency affect configurable system comprehensibility? (DS, CS), pp. 19–29.
- ICPC-2019-KubelkaRB #evolution #live programming #programming
- Live programming and software evolution: questions during a programming change task (JK, RR, AB), pp. 30–41.
- ICPC-2019-GoncalesFSF #developer
- Measuring the cognitive load of software developers: a systematic mapping study (LG, KF, BCdS, JF), pp. 42–52.
- ICPC-2019-WenNBL #consistency #empirical #nondeterminism #scalability
- A large-scale empirical study on code-comment inconsistencies (FW, CN0, GB, ML), pp. 53–64.
- ICPC-2019-MashhadiH #algorithm #empirical #mining #specification
- An empirical study on practicality of specification mining algorithms on a real-world application (MJM, HH), pp. 65–69.
- ICPC-2019-YuLCLXW #detection #semantics
- Neural detection of semantic code clones via tree-based convolution (HY, WL, LC, GL, TX, QW), pp. 70–80.
- ICPC-2019-IslamMRS #debugging #replication
- Comparing bug replication in regular and micro code clones (JFI, MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 81–92.
- ICPC-2019-PecorelliPNL #detection #heuristic #machine learning #smell
- Comparing heuristic and machine learning approaches for metric-based code smell detection (FP, FP, DDN, ADL), pp. 93–104.
- ICPC-2019-LiuYJZS #clone detection #contract #detection
- Enabling clone detection for ethereum via smart contract birthmarks (HL0, ZY, YJ0, WZ, JS), pp. 105–115.
- ICPC-2019-FilhoMVMSMR #smell #sql
- Prevalence of bad smells in PL/SQL projects (FGdAF, ADFM, TdSV, JMM, ÍPdS, JdCM, LSR), pp. 116–121.
- ICPC-2019-HondaTYCYI #evolution #maintenance #named #visualisation
- CCEvovis: a clone evolution visualization system for software maintenance (HH, ST, KY, EC, NY, KI), pp. 122–125.
- ICPC-2019-PeitekABPS #data analysis #multi #named
- CodersMUSE: multi-modal data exploration of program-comprehension experiments (NP, SA, AB, CP, JS), pp. 126–129.
- ICPC-2019-XieQMZ #learning #named #programming #visual notation
- DeepVisual: a visual programming tool for deep learning systems (CX, HQ, LM0, JZ), pp. 130–134.
- ICPC-2019-MizouchiSII #adaptation #detection #named #online #using
- PADLA: a dynamic log level adapter using online phase detection (TM, KS, TI, KI), pp. 135–138.
- ICPC-2019-FontanaP #debugging #sequence #using #visualisation
- Visualizing sequences of debugging sessions using swarm debugging (EAF, FP), pp. 139–143.
- ICPC-2019-ZyrianovNGCM #analysis #framework #implementation #named #pointer
- srcPtr: a framework for implementing static pointer analysis approaches (VZ, CDN, DTG, MLC, JIM), pp. 144–147.
- ICPC-2019-EposhiOGSOO #design #problem #question #refactoring
- Removal of design problems through refactorings: are we looking at the right symptoms? (AE, WNO, AG, LdSS, RFO, AO), pp. 148–153.
- ICPC-2019-BauerSPHA #comprehension #matter #named #question
- Indentation: simply a matter of style or support for program comprehension? (JB, JS, NP, JCH, SA), pp. 154–164.
- ICPC-2019-TranTNNN #migration #question
- Does BLEU score work for code migration? (NMT, HT, SN, HN, TNN), pp. 165–176.
- ICPC-2019-BinkleyDLM
- To CamelCase or under_score (DWB, MD, DJL, CM), p. 177.
- ICPC-2019-Praza #developer #workflow
- The untapped potential of analyzing complete developer workflows (LP), p. 178.
- ICPC-2019-ChenSM #git #replication
- Replication can improve prior results: a GitHub study of pull request acceptance (DC, KTS, TM), pp. 179–190.
- ICPC-2019-SaidQK #embedded #modelling #question #state machine
- Do extracted state machine models help to understand embedded software? (WS, JQ, RK), pp. 191–196.
- ICPC-2019-BaiCSCWS #composition #regular expression #tool support
- Exploring tools and strategies used during regular expression composition tasks (GRB, BC, NS, CC, CW, KTS), pp. 197–208.
- ICPC-2019-MarcilioBMCL0 #static analysis
- Are static analysis violations really fixed?: a closer look at realistic usage of SonarQube (DM, RB, EM, EDC, WPL, GP0), pp. 209–219.
- ICPC-2019-PetersonLD #correctness #named #specification
- CCSpec: a correctness condition specification tool (CLP, PL, DD), pp. 220–230.
- ICPC-2019-SteinbeckKR #3d #empirical #visualisation
- Comparing the EvoStreets visualization technique in two D and three-dimensional environments: a controlled experiment (MS, RK, MOR), pp. 231–242.
- ICPC-2019-SchnappingerOPF #classification #learning #maintenance #predict #static analysis #tool support
- Learning a classifier for prediction of maintainability based on static analysis tools (MS, MHO, AP, AF), pp. 243–248.
- ICPC-2019-LiangZYXJ #fuzzing #sequence
- Sequence coverage directed greybox fuzzing (HL, YZ, YY, ZX, LJ), pp. 249–259.
- ICPC-2019-0002KJCZ #contract #recommendation
- Recommending differentiated code to support smart contract update (YH0, QK, NJ, XC, ZZ), pp. 260–270.
- ICPC-2019-ZhouW0C0FHC #analysis #co-evolution #comprehension #fine-grained
- Understanding evolutionary coupling by fine-grained co-change relationship analysis (DZ, YW, LX0, YC, XP0, JF, LH, HC), pp. 271–282.
- ICPC-2019-LevyF #comprehension #perspective #scalability
- Understanding large-scale software: a hierarchical view (OL, DGF), pp. 283–293.
- ICPC-2019-GaoLLLYLGC #automation #distributed #testing #towards
- Towards automated testing of blockchain-based decentralized applications (JG, HL0, YL, CL, ZY, QL, ZG, ZC), pp. 294–299.
- ICPC-2019-ChenYHLH #development #process
- Analyzing performance-aware code changes in software development process (JC, DY, HH, ZL, HH), pp. 300–310.
- ICPC-2019-FucciGNQL #comprehension #lightweight #replication #using
- A replication study on code comprehension and expertise using lightweight biometric sensors (DF, DG, NN, LQ, FL), pp. 311–322.
- ICPC-2019-FuC #distributed
- Measuring interprocess communications in distributed systems (XF, HC), pp. 323–334.
- ICPC-2019-XuDM #api #migration #named
- Meditor: inference and application of API migration edits (SX, ZD, NM), pp. 335–346.
- ICPC-2019-AlrubayeM0 #detection #information retrieval #java #library #migration #on the #using
- On the use of information retrieval to automate the detection of third-party Java library migration at the method level (HA, MWM, AO0), pp. 347–357.
- ICPC-2019-SilvaR0SPM #mining #programming #recommendation
- Recommending comprehensive solutions for programming tasks by mining crowd knowledge (RFGdS, CKR, MMR0, KAS, KVRP, MdAM), pp. 358–368.
- ICPC-2019-KuangG0M0ME #analysis #feedback #traceability #using
- Using frugal user feedback with closeness analysis on code to improve IR-based traceability recovery (HK, HG, HH0, XM, JL0, PM, AE), pp. 369–379.