Travelled to:
1 × France
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Reda G.Woods R.Cochran K.Hu F.Koushanfar
Talks about:
character (2) techniqu (2) use (2) processor (1) multimod (1) thermal (1) silicon (1) monitor (1) hardwar (1) trojan (1)
Person: Abdullah Nazma Nowroz
DBLP: Nowroz:Abdullah_Nazma
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DATE-2013-HuNRK #detection #hardware #multimodal #using
- High-sensitivity hardware trojan detection using multimodal characterization (KH, ANN, SR, FK), pp. 1271–1276.
- DAC-2011-NowrozWR #modelling #using
- Improved post-silicon power modeling using AC lock-in techniques (ANN, GW, SR), pp. 101–106.
- DAC-2010-NowrozCR #monitoring
- Thermal monitoring of real processors: techniques for sensor allocation and full characterization (ANN, RC, SR), pp. 56–61.