Collaborated with:
Dennis Ang Liting Kway Curie Roe Yuin Theng Sim
Talks about:
difficulti (2) system (2) player (2) adjust (2) dynam (2) game (2) unfamiliar (1) represent (1) storygam (1) gameplay (1)
Person: Alex Mitchell 0001
DBLP: 0001:Alex_Mitchell
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- CHI-PLAY-2017-Ang0 #experience #game studies #video
- Comparing Effects of Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment Systems on Video Game Experience (DA, AM0), pp. 317–327.
- DiGRA-2017-0001SK #empirical
- Making it Unfamiliar in the “Right” Way: An Empirical Study of Poetic Gameplay (AM0, YTS, LK).
- FDG-2018-KwayM
- Emotional agency in storygames (LK, AM0), p. 10.
- CHI-PLAY-2019-Ang0 #representation
- Representation and Frequency of Player Choice in Player-Oriented Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment Systems (DA, AM0), pp. 589–600.
- DiGRA-2019-Roe0 #game studies #quote
- “Is This Really Happening?”: Game Mechanics as Unreliable Narrator (CR, AM0).