Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Jain A.Mujumdar H.Wang
Talks about:
synthesi (2) schedul (2) applic (2) level (2) high (2) architectur (1) resourc (1) perform (1) heurist (1) integr (1)
Person: Alok Sharma
DBLP: Sharma:Alok
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DAC-1993-SharmaJ #named #scheduling
- InSyn: Integrated Scheduling for DSP Applications (AS, RJ), pp. 349–354.
- DAC-1993-SharmaJ93a #architecture #performance #synthesis
- Estimating Architectural Resources and Performance for High-Level Synthesis Applications (AS, RJ), pp. 355–360.
- DAC-1991-JainMSW #empirical #evaluation #heuristic #scheduling #synthesis
- Empirical Evaluation of Some High-Level Synthesis Scheduling Heuristics (RJ, AM, AS, HW), pp. 686–689.