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Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Hungary
15 × USA
2 × Italy
Collaborated with:
S.Chaudhuri A.Cheung R.Singh S.Madden X.Qiu K.Yessenov R.Bodík I.Kuraj J.S.Foster Z.Xu J.Jeon S.Kong S.Gao S.Itzhaky L.Tancau V.A.Saraswat S.A.Seshia M.Clochard S.Gulwani J.Yang C.G.Jones James Koppel Varot Premtoon O.Bastani Xin Zhang 0035 N.Polikarpova X.Wang N.Zeldovich M.F.Kaashoek R.M.Rabbah K.Ebcioglu S.Kamil R.Singh R.Krosnick V.Ganesh C.W.O'Donnell M.Soos S.Devadas M.C.Rinard G.Arnold Jean Yang 0001 Travis Hance T.H.Austin C.Flanagan S.Chong J.Kapinski J.V.Deshmukh N.Roohi N.Aréchiga Rohit Singh 0002 Yongquan Lu C.E.Leiserson R.A.Chowdhury Benjamin Mariano J.Reese Siyuan Xu T.Nguyen
Talks about:
program (12) synthesi (9) sketch (7) data (4) use (4) structur (3) languag (3) databas (3) system (3) smooth (3)

Person: Armando Solar-Lezama

DBLP DBLP: Solar-Lezama:Armando

Contributed to:

CAV 20152015
ESEC/FSE 20152015
POPL 20142014
SIGMOD 20142014
VMCAI 20142014
PLDI 20132013
SOSP 20132013
CAV 20122012
CIKM 20122012
POPL 20122012
SAT 20122012
CAV 20112011
ESEC/FSE 20112011
OOPSLA 20112011
PLDI 20102010
PLDI 20082008
PLDI 20072007
ASPLOS 20062006
PLDI 20052005
CAV (2) 20182018
CAV (2) 20192019
OOPSLA 20162016
OOPSLA 20172017
OOPSLA 20182018
OOPSLA 20192019
PLDI 20162016
PLDI 20172017

Wrote 33 papers:

CAV-2015-JeonQSF #adaptation #parallel #synthesis
Adaptive Concretization for Parallel Program Synthesis (JJ, XQ, ASL, JSF), pp. 377–394.
ESEC-FSE-2015-JeonQFS #java #named #sketching
JSketch: sketching for Java (JJ, XQ, JSF, ASL), pp. 934–937.
POPL-2014-ChaudhuriCS #proving #synthesis #using
Bridging boolean and quantitative synthesis using smoothed proof search (SC, MC, ASL), pp. 207–220.
SIGMOD-2014-CheungMS #database #lazy evaluation #named #query
Sloth: being lazy is a virtue (when issuing database queries) (AC, SM, ASL), pp. 931–942.
VMCAI-2014-SinghSXKS #composition #modelling #sketching #synthesis #using
Modular Synthesis of Sketches Using Models (RS, RS, ZX, RK, ASL), pp. 395–414.
PLDI-2013-CheungSM #optimisation #query #synthesis
Optimizing database-backed applications with query synthesis (AC, ASL, SM), pp. 3–14.
PLDI-2013-SinghGS #automation #feedback #generative #programming
Automated feedback generation for introductory programming assignments (RS, SG, ASL), pp. 15–26.
SOSP-2013-WangZKS #behaviour #towards
Towards optimization-safe systems: analyzing the impact of undefined behavior (XW, NZ, MFK, ASL), pp. 260–275.
CAV-2012-ChaudhuriS #named #optimisation #source code
Euler: A System for Numerical Optimization of Programs (SC, ASL), pp. 732–737.
CAV-2012-SinghS #named #programming
SPT: Storyboard Programming Tool (RS, ASL), pp. 738–743.
CIKM-2012-CheungSM #recommendation #social #synthesis #using
Using program synthesis for social recommendations (AC, ASL, SM), pp. 1732–1736.
POPL-2012-YangYS #automation #policy #privacy
A language for automatically enforcing privacy policies (JY, KY, ASL), pp. 85–96.
SAT-2012-GaneshOSDRS #named #problem #satisfiability
Lynx: A Programmatic SAT Solver for the RNA-Folding Problem (VG, CWO, MS, SD, MCR, ASL), pp. 143–156.
CAV-2011-ChaudhuriS #robust
Smoothing a Program Soundly and Robustly (SC, ASL), pp. 277–292.
Partial replay of long-running applications (AC, ASL, SM), pp. 135–145.
ESEC-FSE-2011-SinghS #data type
Synthesizing data structure manipulations from storyboards (RS, ASL), pp. 289–299.
OOPSLA-2011-YessenovXS #data-driven #framework #object-oriented #synthesis
Data-driven synthesis for object-oriented frameworks (KY, ZX, ASL), pp. 65–82.
Smooth interpretation (SC, ASL), pp. 279–291.
PLDI-2008-Solar-LezamaJB #concurrent #data type #sketching
Sketching concurrent data structures (ASL, CGJ, RB), pp. 136–148.
PLDI-2007-Solar-LezamaATBSS #sketching
Sketching stencils (ASL, GA, LT, RB, VAS, SAS), pp. 167–178.
ASPLOS-2006-Solar-LezamaTBSS #combinator #finite #sketching #source code
Combinatorial sketching for finite programs (ASL, LT, RB, SAS, VAS), pp. 404–415.
PLDI-2005-Solar-LezamaRBE #programming #sketching #source code
Programming by sketching for bit-streaming programs (ASL, RMR, RB, KE), pp. 281–294.
CAV-2018-KongSG #problem
Delta-Decision Procedures for Exists-Forall Problems over the Reals (SK, ASL, SG), pp. 219–235.
CAV-2019-GaoKDRSAK #induction #proving
Numerically-Robust Inductive Proof Rules for Continuous Dynamical Systems (SG, JK, JVD, NR, ASL, NA, SK), pp. 137–154.
OOPSLA-2016-Itzhaky0SYLLC #algorithm #divide and conquer #programming #using
Deriving divide-and-conquer dynamic programming algorithms using solver-aided transformations (SI, RS0, ASL, KY, YL, CEL, RAC), pp. 145–164.
OOPSLA-2017-QiuS #synthesis
Natural synthesis of provably-correct data-structure manipulations (XQ, ASL), p. 28.
OOPSLA-2018-KoppelPS #incremental #parametricity #syntax
One tool, many languages: language-parametric transformation with incremental parametric syntax (JK, VP, ASL), p. 28.
OOPSLA-2019-Bastani0S #probability #verification
Probabilistic verification of fairness properties via concentration (OB, XZ0, ASL), p. 27.
OOPSLA-2019-MarianoRXNQFS #algebra #library #specification #synthesis
Program synthesis with algebraic library specifications (BM, JR, SX, TN, XQ, JSF, ASL), p. 25.
Verified lifting of stencil computations (SK, AC, SI, ASL), pp. 711–726.
PLDI-2016-PolikarpovaKS #polymorphism #refinement #synthesis
Program synthesis from polymorphic refinement types (NP, IK, ASL), pp. 522–538.
PLDI-2016-YangHASFC #data flow #information management #precise
Precise, dynamic information flow for database-backed applications (JY0, TH, THA, ASL, CF, SC), pp. 631–647.
PLDI-2017-YessenovKS #api #named
DemoMatch: API discovery from demonstrations (KY, IK, ASL), pp. 64–78.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.