Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × Germany
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1 × Japan
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
2 × Italy
2 × United Kingdom
3 × France
8 × USA
Collaborated with:
N.Kobayashi T.Sekiyama B.C.Pierce C.Saito M.Viroli H.Nagira T.Tsukada K.Suenaga Y.Hanada ∅ L.Ina Y.Yuse Yuki Nishida 0001 Y.Nishida R.Fukuda S.Chiba S.Zakirov F.Iwama P.Wadler H.Inoue Tomoyuki Aotani Akifumi Imanishi Yusuke Miyazaki 0001 J.F.Belo M.Greenberg M.Sato T.Sakurai Y.Kameyama Takashi Suwa N.K.0001
Talks about:
type (16) program (6) contract (4) manifest (3) resourc (3) analysi (3) subtyp (3) base (3) featherweight (2) polymorph (2)
Person: Atsushi Igarashi
DBLP: Igarashi:Atsushi
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 32 papers:
- POPL-2015-SekiyamaNI #contract #data type
- Manifest Contracts for Datatypes (TS, YN, AI), pp. 195–207.
- FLOPS-2014-HanadaI #multi #on the #persistent #programming
- On Cross-Stage Persistence in Multi-Stage Programming (YH, AI), pp. 103–118.
- ESOP-2013-KobayashiI #higher-order #model checking #recursion #source code
- Model-Checking Higher-Order Programs with Recursive Types (NK, AI), pp. 431–450.
- OOPSLA-2012-SuenagaFI #concurrent #type system
- Type-based safe resource deallocation for shared-memory concurrency (KS, RF, AI), pp. 1–20.
- ECOOP-2011-Igarashi #approach
- A Featherweight Approach to FOOL (AI), p. 433.
- ESOP-2011-BeloGIP #contract #polymorphism
- Polymorphic Contracts (JFB, MG, AI, BCP), pp. 18–37.
- OOPSLA-2011-InaI #type system
- Gradual typing for generics (LI, AI), pp. 609–624.
- OOPSLA-2010-ChibaIZ #compilation #composition
- Mostly modular compilation of crosscutting concerns by contextual predicate dispatch (SC, AI, SZ), pp. 539–554.
- OOPSLA-2009-SaitoI
- Self type constructors (CS, AI), pp. 263–282.
- SAC-2009-SaitoI #type system
- Matching ThisType to subtyping (CS, AI), pp. 1851–1858.
- SAC-OOPS-J-2009-SaitoI13 #type system
- Matching MyType to subtyping (CS, AI), pp. 933–952.
- TLCA-2009-TsukadaI #classification #logic
- A Logical Foundation for Environment Classifiers (TT, AI), pp. 341–355.
- OOPSLA-2007-IgarashiV #scalability
- Variant path types for scalable extensibility (AI, MV), pp. 113–132.
- PEPM-2006-IwamaIK #analysis #exception #functional #resource management
- Resource usage analysis for a functional language with exceptions (FI, AI, NK), pp. 38–47.
- PPDP-2006-YuseI #generative #multi #persistent #type system
- A modal type system for multi-level generating extensions with persistent code (YY, AI), pp. 201–212.
- SAC-2006-IgarashiN #object-oriented #programming
- Union types for object-oriented programming (AI, HN), pp. 1435–1441.
- SAC-OOPS-J-2006-IgarashiN07 #object-oriented #programming
- Union Types for Object-Oriented Programming (AI, HN), pp. 47–68.
- CSL-2003-SatoSKI #calculus
- Calculi of Meta-variables (MS, TS, YK, AI), pp. 484–497.
- ECOOP-2002-IgarashiV #on the #parametricity #type system
- On Variance-Based Subtyping for Parametric Types (AI, MV), pp. 441–469.
- POPL-2002-IgarashiK #analysis #resource management
- Resource usage analysis (AI, NK), pp. 331–342.
- POPL-2001-IgarashiK #type system #π-calculus
- A generic type system for the π-calculus (AI, NK), pp. 128–141.
- ECOOP-2000-IgarashiP #on the
- On Inner Classes (AI, BCP), pp. 129–153.
- ECOOP-1999-IgarashiP
- Foundations for Virtual Types (AI, BCP), pp. 161–185.
- OOPSLA-1999-IgarashiPW #calculus #java
- Featherweight Java: A Minimal Core Calculus for Java and GJ (AI, BCP, PW), pp. 132–146.
- SAS-1997-IgarashiK #analysis #communication #concurrent #programming language #type system
- Type-Based Analysis of Communication for Concurrent Programming Languages (AI, NK), pp. 187–201.
- ESOP-2019-SekiyamaI #algebra #polymorphism
- Handling Polymorphic Algebraic Effects (TS, AI), pp. 353–380.
- ECOOP-2018-InoueAI #domain-specific language #monad #named #workflow
- ContextWorkflow: A Monadic DSL for Compensable and Interruptible Executions (HI, TA, AI), p. 33.
- PEPM-2017-SuwaT0I #code generation #higher-order #model checking #verification
- Verification of code generators via higher-order model checking (TS, TT, NK0, AI), pp. 59–70.
- POPL-2017-SekiyamaI #contract
- Stateful manifest contracts (TS, AI), pp. 530–544.
- PEPM-2018-ImanishiSI #approach #verification
- A guess-and-assume approach to loop fusion for program verification (AI, KS, AI), pp. 2–14.
- PPDP-2018-NishidaI #contract #nondeterminism
- Nondeterministic Manifest Contracts (YN0, AI), p. 13.
- POPL-2019-MiyazakiSI #type inference #type system
- Dynamic type inference for gradual Hindley-Milner typing (YM0, TS, AI), p. 29.