Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × South Africa
1 × Turkey
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Turhan B.Caglayan E.Kocaguneli A.Tosun Y.Kösker M.L.Barrett S.Chenoweth G.Çalikli B.Arslan S.Alhassan Y.Kultur E.S.Ilhan G.B.Akkus A.Uyar H.N.Ciray M.Bahceci M.Habayeb A.Miransky E.Cialini
Talks about:
softwar (7) predict (4) defect (4) project (3) network (3) develop (3) analysi (3) metric (2) tool (2) more (2)
Person: Ayse Basar Bener
DBLP: Bener:Ayse_Basar
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- ICSE-v2-2015-CaglayanTBHMC #fault #industrial #metric #predict #replication
- Merits of Organizational Metrics in Defect Prediction: An Industrial Replication (BC, BT, ABB, MH, AM, EC), pp. 89–98.
- CSEET-2011-BarrettBC #architecture #education
- Incorporating software architecture in the computer science curriculum (MLB, ABB, SC), pp. 523–524.
- ICPR-2010-UyarBCB #development #network #predict
- Bayesian Networks for Predicting IVF Blastocyst Development (AU, ABB, HNC, MB), pp. 2772–2775.
- ICSE-2010-CalikliBA #analysis #bias #developer #education #experience
- An analysis of the effects of company culture, education and experience on confirmation bias levels of software developers and testers (GÇ, ABB, BA), pp. 187–190.
- SEKE-2010-AlhassanCB #analysis #fault #network #people #social
- Do More People Make the Code More Defect Prone?: Social Network Analysis in OSS Projects (SA, BC, ABB), pp. 93–98.
- SEKE-2009-KocaguneliTBTC #analysis #fault #metric #named #predict
- Prest: An Intelligent Software Metrics Extraction, Analysis and Defect Prediction Tool (EK, AT, ABB, BT, BC), pp. 637–642.
- SEKE-2009-TosunBK #development #issue tracking #named #project management
- BITS: Issue Tracking and Project Management Tool in Healthcare Software Development (AT, ABB, EK), pp. 526–529.
- FSE-2008-KulturTB #estimation #memory management #named #network #using
- ENNA: software effort estimation using ensemble of neural networks with associative memory (YK, BT, ABB), pp. 330–338.
- SEKE-2008-TurhanB #fault #predict
- Weighted Static Code Attributes for Software Defect Prediction (BT, ABB), pp. 143–148.
- ICSE-2007-TurhanB #re-engineering
- A Template for Real World Team Projects for Highly Populated Software Engineering Classes (BT, ABB), pp. 748–753.
- SEKE-2007-IlhanAB #named #semantics
- SAM: Semantic Advanced Matchmaker (ESI, GBA, ABB), pp. 698–703.
- SEKE-2007-KoskerB #graph transformation #refactoring #uml
- Synchronization of UML Based Refactoring with Graph Transformation (YK, ABB), pp. 232–237.