Travelled to:
1 × Finland
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
V.C.Raykar S.Yu J.Bi M.Dundar R.B.Rao
Talks about:
transfer (1) tradeoff (1) classifi (1) bayesian (1) accuraci (1) multipl (1) instanc (1) between (1) automat (1) select (1)
Person: Balaji Krishnapuram
DBLP: Krishnapuram:Balaji
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- KDD-2010-RaykarKY #classification #design #performance #trade-off
- Designing efficient cascaded classifiers: tradeoff between accuracy and cost (VCR, BK, SY), pp. 853–860.
- ICML-2008-RaykarKBDR #automation #feature model #induction #learning #multi
- Bayesian multiple instance learning: automatic feature selection and inductive transfer (VCR, BK, JB, MD, RBR), pp. 808–815.