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Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Estonia
1 × Finland
1 × Portugal
1 × Serbia
2 × Italy
3 × United Kingdom
8 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Falke F.Merz H.Post M.Iser S.Kottler M.Kaufmann T.Jussila A.Biere E.Dieringer T.Gorges T.Balyo P.Sanders N.Manthey M.Taghdiri D.Kapur W.Blochinger W.Küchlin R.Bündgen J.Walter A.Kaiser T.Kropf D.Kröning C.M.Wintersteiger
Talks about:
sat (8) model (6) bound (6) check (4) use (4) checker (3) llbmc (3) intermedi (2) implement (2) contribut (2)

Person: Carsten Sinz

DBLP DBLP: Sinz:Carsten

Facilitated 1 volumes:

SAT 2014Ed

Contributed to:

SAT 20152015
ASE 20132013
SAT 20132013
TACAS 20132013
SMT 20122012
TACAS 20122012
RTA 20112011
ICST 20092009
RE 20092009
SAT 20092009
ASE 20082008
SAT 20082008
SAT 20072007
SAT 20062006
SAT 20052005
SAT 20012001
CADE 20002000
RTA 19961996

Wrote 22 papers:

SAT-2015-BalyoSS #named #parallel #satisfiability
HordeSat: A Massively Parallel Portfolio SAT Solver (TB, PS, CS), pp. 156–172.
SAT-2015-IserMS #recognition
Recognition of Nested Gates in CNF Formulas (MI, NM, CS), pp. 255–271.
ASE-2013-FalkeMS #bound #model checking
The bounded model checker LLBMC (SF, FM, CS), pp. 706–709.
SAT-2013-IserST #modelling #satisfiability
Minimizing Models for Tseitin-Encoded SAT Instances (MI, CS, MT), pp. 224–232.
TACAS-2013-FalkeMS #bound #c #contest #model checking #named #source code #using
LLBMC: Improved Bounded Model Checking of C Programs Using LLVM — (Competition Contribution) (SF, FM, CS), pp. 623–626.
SMT-2012-FalkeSM #array #formal method #set
A Theory of Arrays with set and copy Operations (SF, CS, FM), pp. 98–108.
TACAS-2012-SinzMF #bound #contest #model checking #named #representation
LLBMC: A Bounded Model Checker for LLVM’s Intermediate Representation — (Competition Contribution) (CS, FM, SF), pp. 542–544.
RTA-2011-FalkeKS #analysis #c #compilation #source code #termination #using
Termination Analysis of C Programs Using Compiler Intermediate Languages (SF, DK, CS), pp. 41–50.
ICST-2009-PostS #bound #equivalence #functional #implementation #model checking #proving #using
Proving Functional Equivalence of Two AES Implementations Using Bounded Model Checking (HP, CS), pp. 31–40.
RE-2009-PostSMGK #functional #requirements #verification
Linking Functional Requirements and Software Verification (HP, CS, FM, TG, TK), pp. 295–302.
SAT-2009-SinzI #heuristic #problem
Problem-Sensitive Restart Heuristics for the DPLL Procedure (CS, MI), pp. 356–362.
ASE-2008-PostS #verification
Configuration Lifting: Verification meets Software Configuration (HP, CS), pp. 347–350.
ASE-2008-PostSKG #abstract interpretation #bound #model checking
Reducing False Positives by Combining Abstract Interpretation and Bounded Model Checking (HP, CS, AK, TG), pp. 188–197.
Computation of Renameable Horn Backdoors (SK, MK, CS), pp. 154–160.
SAT-2008-KottlerKS08a #bound #np-hard #satisfiability #subclass #using
A New Bound for an NP-Hard Subclass of 3-SAT Using Backdoors (SK, MK, CS), pp. 161–167.
SAT-2007-JussilaBSKW #proving #towards
A First Step Towards a Unified Proof Checker for QBF (TJ, AB, CS, DK, CMW), pp. 201–214.
SAT-2006-JussilaSB #proving #quantifier #satisfiability
Extended Resolution Proofs for Symbolic SAT Solving with Quantification (TJ, CS, AB), pp. 54–60.
SAT-2005-SinzD #named #satisfiability #visualisation
DPvis — A Tool to Visualize the Structure of SAT Instances (CS, EMD), pp. 257–268.
SAT-2001-SinzBK #implementation #named #parallel
PaSAT — Parallel SAT-Checking with Lemma Exchange: Implementation and Applications (CS, WB, WK), pp. 205–216.
CADE-2000-Sinz #algebra #automation #proving #theorem proving
System Description: ARA — An Automatic Theorem Prover for Relation Algebras (CS), pp. 177–182.
ReDuX 1.5: New Facets of Rewriting (RB, CS, JW), pp. 412–415.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.