Travelled to:
1 × Croatia
1 × France
1 × Korea
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × United Kingdom
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Roman J.Payton T.Jun M.Chevalier K.Khrouf Q.Huang K.Boos C.Fok M.Kim V.Rajamani
Talks about:
mobil (4) network (3) context (3) awar (3) environ (2) queri (2) hoc (2) ad (2) documentari (1) determinist (1)
Person: Christine Julien
DBLP: Julien:Christine
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ICSE-2012-BoosFJK #cyber-physical #debugging #framework #named
- BRACE: An assertion framework for debugging cyber-physical systems (KB, CLF, CJ, MK), pp. 1341–1344.
- FASE-2009-RajamaniJPR #mobile #network #nondeterminism #query
- Inquiry and Introspection for Non-deterministic Queries in Mobile Networks (VR, CJ, JP, GCR), pp. 401–416.
- ESEC-FSE-2007-PaytonJR #assessment #automation #consistency #query
- Automatic consistency assessment for query results in dynamic environments (JP, CJ, GCR), pp. 245–254.
- SAC-2007-JunJ #ad hoc #automation #mobile #network #protocol
- Automated routing protocol selection in mobile ad hoc networks (TJ, CJ), pp. 906–913.
- FASE-2004-RomanJP
- A Formal Treatment of Context-Awareness (GCR, CJ, JP), pp. 12–36.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-ChevalierJK #documentation #memory management #repository #towards
- Towards a Documentary Memory: Building a Document Repository for Companies (MC, CJ, KK), pp. 213–218.
- FSE-2002-JulienR #ad hoc #mobile #programming
- Egocentric context-aware programming in ad hoc mobile environments (CJ, GCR), pp. 21–30.
- ICSE-2002-RomanJH #abstraction #mobile #network
- Network abstractions for context-aware mobile computing (GCR, CJ, QH), pp. 363–373.