Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Chile
1 × Cyprus
1 × Ireland
1 × South Africa
2 × France
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.Capra J.Crowcroft S.L.Lim A.Finkelstein D.Sáez-Trumper X.Sha M.Dell'Amico P.Michiardi R.O.G.Gavilanes Y.Mejova N.K.O'Hare H.Cramer R.Schifanella L.M.Aiello C.Smith-Clarke Z.Wang D.Ó.Séaghdha J.Ellis A.Venerandi G.Quattrone I.Kayes N.Kourtellis A.Iamnitchi F.Bonchi C.Brown C.Efstratiou I.Leontiadis C.Mascolo R.Lambiotte D.Stillwell M.Kosinski M.Lad S.Hailes S.Bhatti
Talks about:
social (4) happi (4) analysi (3) cultur (3) trend (3) use (3) stakehold (2) recommend (2) communiti (2) network (2)
Person: Daniele Quercia
DBLP: Quercia:Daniele
Contributed to:
Wrote 17 papers:
- CSCW-2015-VenerandiQCQS
- Measuring Urban Deprivation from User Generated Content (AV, GQ, LC, DQ, DST), pp. 254–264.
- HT-2015-KayesKQIB #community
- Cultures in Community Question Answering (IK, NK, DQ, AI, FB), pp. 175–184.
- CSCW-2014-BrownELQM #how #interactive
- Tracking serendipitous interactions: how individual cultures shape the office (CB, CE, IL, DQ, CM), pp. 1072–1081.
- CSCW-2014-GavilanesMQ #bound #communication #social #twitter
- Twitter ain’t without frontiers: economic, social, and cultural boundaries in international communication (ROGG, YM, DQ), pp. 1511–1522.
- CSCW-2014-QuerciaOC #question #what
- Aesthetic capital: what makes london look beautiful, quiet, and happy? (DQ, NKO, HC), pp. 945–955.
- HT-2014-QuerciaSA #recommendation
- The shortest path to happiness: recommending beautiful, quiet, and happy routes in the city (DQ, RS, LMA), pp. 116–125.
- CSCW-2013-ShaQDM #mobile
- Trend makers and trend spotters in a mobile application (XS, DQ, MD, PM), pp. 1365–1374.
- CSCW-2013-SmithQC #analysis #identification #using
- Finger on the pulse: identifying deprivation using transit flow analysis (CSC, DQ, LC), pp. 683–692.
- HT-2013-WangQS #analysis #realtime #social #twitter
- Reading tweeting minds: real-time analysis of short text for computational social science (ZW, DQ, DÓS), pp. 169–173.
- CSCW-2012-QuerciaECC #community #twitter
- Tracking “gross community happiness” from tweets (DQ, JE, LC, JC), pp. 965–968.
- CSCW-2012-QuerciaLSKC #facebook
- The personality of popular facebook users (DQ, RL, DS, MK, JC), pp. 955–964.
- RecSys-2012-Saez-TrumperQC #distance
- Ads and the city: considering geographic distance goes a long way (DST, DQ, JC), pp. 187–194.
- RecSys-2012-ShaQMD #roadmap
- Spotting trends: the wisdom of the few (XS, DQ, PM, MD), pp. 51–58.
- ICSE-2010-LimQF #named #network #scalability #social #using
- StakeNet: using social networks to analyse the stakeholders of large-scale software projects (SLL, DQ, AF), pp. 295–304.
- ICSE-2010-LimQF10a #analysis #crowdsourcing #named #network #power of #social
- StakeSource: harnessing the power of crowdsourcing and social networks in stakeholder analysis (SLL, DQ, AF), pp. 239–242.
- RecSys-2009-QuerciaC #mobile #named #recommendation #using
- FriendSensing: recommending friends using mobile phones (DQ, LC), pp. 273–276.
- SAC-2006-QuerciaLHCB #named #trust
- STRUDEL: supporting trust in the dynamic establishment of peering coalitions (DQ, ML, SH, LC, SB), pp. 1870–1874.